December 30, 2010

Year End 2010

Alhamdulillah, 2010 has been a very productive, prosperous, eventful and wonderful year for my family and personal achievements.
Wishing and praying for strength and energy in 2011 to work towards bringing success and progress for my beloved Family and Friends

December 29, 2010

Together, we can make a difference

As of today, you, together with almost 44,000 other Campaigners for Children have raised your hands to be counted in the effort to stop child abuse in Malaysia.

You make us very proud.

At the Get on Board campaign's official closing event held on the 15th of December, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development made a pledge to work with UNICEF to undertake a study to better understand child abuse in Malaysia so our country's policies and programmes can be more efficiently adapted to address this crucial issue.

Your support has helped achieve this, and we could not have done it without you.
This is proof that, when people come together, spread the word and take action, anything is possible.

UNICEF will continue to keep live as an ongoing resource for everyone. Please keep going back to it to learn more, and also share this knowledge with friends!

Violence against children is very real and the damage caused can impact children for a lifetime. Here are some real testimonies from children:

"Once I didn't know how to do my homework, so I asked my teacher for help.
But she didn't help me, she just pulled my ear. She always makes me feel useless."

Boy, 9, Malaysia.

"With these two hands my mother holds me, cares for me, this I love.
But with these two hands, my mother hits me - this I hate"

Girl, East Asia and the Pacific.

"I hate early marriage. I was married at an early age and my in-laws forced me to sleep with my husband and he made me suffer all night. After that whenever day becomes night, I get worried thinking that it will be like that. That is what I hate most."
Girl, 11, married at 5, Eastern and Southern Africa.

We cannot wait for more children to suffer and be scarred for life, some even having their lives cut short. UNICEF is working with the Government of Malaysia to ensure a protective environment for all children free from violence, abuse and exploitation.

December 26, 2010

Love for languages

HAVING grown up in an urban environment in Ipoh, orang asli Noor Azamira Long of the Semai tribe always sees herself as being luckier than most of her peers.

Not only did she attend boarding school SM Sains Sultan Mohamad Jiwa, Kelantan, for her secondary education, she also had a chance to pursue a degree in the German language at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).

“I didn’t have to go to school on foot or by boat. I am quite lucky (compared to the rest of my peers) that I have opportunities to receive quality education,” said Noor Azamira who has been working as a counsellor at DAAD, or Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (German Academic Exchange Service).

With that in mind, Noor Azamira is determined to convey the importance of education to her community.

Noor Azamira sharing her joy with father Long Alang Chukas and mother Alang Manjid at the ceremony.
“Only with a good education and skills can we get out of poverty.

“Our attitude must change, and we must embrace knowledge as well as technology for the better,” she said.

Noor Azamira was among the 614 graduates who received their scrolls on the first day of UPM’s 34th convocation. Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah was the guest-of-honour.

When asked why she wanted to learn German, Noor Azamira, 27, said, “German is a technology language that is highly useful”.

“It is not a difficult language for me to learn. When I was a beginner, I noticed that there are a lot of similarities between the German language and my mother tongue,” said Noor Azamira, who also speaks Cantonese.

RTM newscaster and host Jessica Ong Hai Liaw, 36, was spotted at the convocation. She graduated with a PhD in Bahasa Melayu.

Dr Ong said Bahasa Melayu was her favourite language.

“There’s something about the language that makes it so beautiful and special. I have a lot of Malay friends too,” said Dr Ong, who is also a teacher at a government school in Petaling Jaya.

Beaming with joy was another graduate Teng Wern Jyet, 22, who received the Chancellor Gold Medalist Award.

“This award has given me the confidence to carry out my plans to pursue a masters degree and, hopefully, a doctorate degree as well,” he said.

Love for languages

HAVING grown up in an urban environment in Ipoh, orang asli Noor Azamira Long of the Semai tribe always sees herself as being luckier than most of her peers.

Not only did she attend boarding school SM Sains Sultan Mohamad Jiwa, Kelantan, for her secondary education, she also had a chance to pursue a degree in the German language at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).

“I didn’t have to go to school on foot or by boat. I am quite lucky (compared to the rest of my peers) that I have opportunities to receive quality education,” said Noor Azamira who has been working as a counsellor at DAAD, or Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (German Academic Exchange Service).

With that in mind, Noor Azamira is determined to convey the importance of education to her community.

Noor Azamira sharing her joy with father Long Alang Chukas and mother Alang Manjid at the ceremony.
“Only with a good education and skills can we get out of poverty.

“Our attitude must change, and we must embrace knowledge as well as technology for the better,” she said.

Noor Azamira was among the 614 graduates who received their scrolls on the first day of UPM’s 34th convocation. Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah was the guest-of-honour.

When asked why she wanted to learn German, Noor Azamira, 27, said, “German is a technology language that is highly useful”.

“It is not a difficult language for me to learn. When I was a beginner, I noticed that there are a lot of similarities between the German language and my mother tongue,” said Noor Azamira, who also speaks Cantonese.

RTM newscaster and host Jessica Ong Hai Liaw, 36, was spotted at the convocation. She graduated with a PhD in Bahasa Melayu.

Dr Ong said Bahasa Melayu was her favourite language.

“There’s something about the language that makes it so beautiful and special. I have a lot of Malay friends too,” said Dr Ong, who is also a teacher at a government school in Petaling Jaya.

Beaming with joy was another graduate Teng Wern Jyet, 22, who received the Chancellor Gold Medalist Award.

“This award has given me the confidence to carry out my plans to pursue a masters degree and, hopefully, a doctorate degree as well,” he said.

December 22, 2010

Why, how, what?

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. And what you do serves as the proof of what you believe.Simon Sinek

A COUPLE of years ago, I was perplexed by an issue: Why are some people and organisations more innovative, more influential, and more profitable than others, even though they may be less funded, less equipped, and possibly far inferior? Why do some command greater loyalty from customers and employees alike?

Everywhere, small start-ups’ were outwitting big giants, and little “people” like Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Sam Walton were out-muscling far more advanced and illustrious opponents.

Why is Apple considered more innovative than Samsung, even though Samsung wins more innovation awards?

Mozilla is a small foundation with less than 60 employees but their Firefox products is far superior to mighty Microsoft’s Internet Explorer; Microsoft has more resources, talent and funding.

Last week, I interviewed Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on the Leaderonomics Show. Wikipedia has one employee yet eliminated heavy-weights Encyclopaedia Britannia and Microsoft’s Encarta to become the world’s largest encyclopaedia.

This question kept bugging me until I met Simon Sinek via a TED Talk, who similarly grappled with this issue.

He studied the lives of Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers, who did not have as much funding or expertise as Samuel Langley in the aviation wars, yet won against the odds.

Sinek found that successful people think and act completely opposite from the others who ended up “losing”. He used three words – why, how and what – in a concept he named “the golden circle”.

The outermost circle, labelled “what” represents, for example, a company’s product. The next circle, “how”, would be the technology behind this product, and the innermost circle represents “why” the company makes the product.

With successful individuals, everything started with “why” followed by “how” and finally “what”. Sinek discovered that the “losers” communicate in the exact opposite manner.

He adds: “Any organisation can explain what it does; some can explain how they do it; but very few can clearly articulate why.”

Success can easily be replicated if we all start practicing “inside-out” instead of “outside-in” leadership.

The why-how-what model is actually grounded in biology. Our brain is split into the neo-cortex and the limbic brain. The neo-cortex (how and what) is responsible for all our rational, analytical thought and language.

Our limbic brain (why) is responsible for feelings, trust and all human behaviour and decision making with no capacity for language.

When we communicate from the inside-out, we are speaking directly to the parts of the human brain that control behaviour.

The neo-cortex will then follow, rationalising that behaviour. When we communicate from the outside-in, people may understand vast amounts of complicated information, but may not trigger behaviour.

This is why you can give someone all the benefits of your product but they still don’t buy your products, while in some cases (as with Apple’s iPhone 4 with receptor problems), people would still flock to the product.


Steve Jobs once said: “Innovation has nothing to do with how many research and development (R&D) dollars you have. When Apple came up with the Mac, IBM was spending at least 100 times more on R&D. It’s not about money. It’s about how you’re led.” Jobs understood clearly how to lead and it meant starting with the “why”.

The crux of Sinek’s idea lies within this centre “why” circle. The “why” represents an entrepreneur’s beliefs and passion. Why does your organisation exist? This is probably the most important strategic question your business needs to answer yet most people answer this question with “making money”.

Making money is necessary for survival but cannot be your sole purpose; we all need good health to live but that doesn’t make good health the purpose of living.

Your “why” should be enduring, and involve a social contribution and be worthy – bringing a sense of purpose.

Here are some examples – Google (let’s organise the world’s information), Mozilla (let’s kill Microsoft), Apple (let’s reinvent the status quo), Wikipedia (let’s all contribute knowledge and create a true depository of global information), AirAsia (enabling everyone to fly) and Leaderonomics (let’s transform the nation).

Neurologist Aron Buchman claims people who understand their “why” in life, actually live longer and have lower risk of Alzheimer’s. He adds: “People with high purpose in life have a lower risk of dying and developing disability. We found that people with high purpose in life at the beginning of the study had a two-and-half times lower risk of developing dementia.”

Knowing your “why” gives you direction. You tend to have more opportunities than you could possibly pursue. Knowing why you exist helps you decide what you will do and what you will intentionally choose not to do.


After your “why” is formulated, you can then figure out “how” it is going to accomplish the “why”. Take Walmart, the world’s largest retailer.

It started with a simple “why” – everyday low prices. Sam Walton wanted to create a store where customers didn’t need to cut coupons, compare prices or engage in non-value added activities to obtain the lowest price.

Then, he went about the “how”. Walton built an entire infrastructure to support his “why”, including the world’s best supply chain, an EDI system that ensured cost efficiency, hiring of “lower cost” retired folks, establishing stores in remote locations where rental was lower, completely cutting out advertising and keeping his corporate team as lean as possible.

Most organisations benchmark Walmart and try to “copy” their “how”. However, the “how” at Walmart has its foundation on its “why”, thus making copying immaterial.

AirAsia’s “why” was to ensure “everybody can fly”. Their “how” was to build an entire infrastructure to support this “why”.

To enable everyone to fly, they needed to manage costs and price tickets from zero (for those with no money) to full price (for those who can afford to pay). If their “why” was to be the “best low-cost airline”, all their tickets would be priced low.

Essentially, the “how” are ways the “why” gets accomplished – your value system, processes and structures, infrastructure, the talent in your organisation and the eco-system you create to support your “why”.

Wikipedia’s “why” enabled them to build an entire web eco-system (how) with a global volunteer and policing organisation.

What is a business that defies logic – an online retailer that has become the biggest bookstore in the world. Jeff Bezos, its CEO and founder, knew his “what” – to open an online book store. But unlike others, he didn’t start with “what”.

He spent countless hours in traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores trying to figure out “why”. As Bezos visited bookstores, he realised there was an “experience” people went through buying books. People read parts of the books, compared books, browsed the best-seller lists and got frustrated when a book they wanted was out of stock.

Bezos quickly understood his “why” – to become “earth’s biggest bookstore.” He later refined his “why” to “We seek to offer earth’s biggest selection and to be earth’s most customer centric company.”

His “how” was to ensure the “experience” in a traditional bookstore was replicated while the frustrations (ie. lack of book titles) was addressed.

This infrastructure that he built costs millions but guaranteed Amazon provided a truly unique customer experience (his “why”).

Finally, after this entire infrastructure was built, he focused on the “what” – the actual products and services that Amazon offered – books, music and videos. The “what” may have started out as a bookstore, but once he understood his “why”, it progressed into much more.

Likewise, Apple started out as a computer company, but their “why” was to make a dent in the universe. Apple believed that “everything we do, we do differently”.

They believed in challenging the status quo. That was their “why”. And “how” they challenged the status quo was by hiring talented people and making beautiful products with great designs.

And finally, “what” Apple does is make computers, MP3 players, phones or anything that supports their “why”. We often communicate starting from the “what”. Companies communicate “what” they’re selling. But the truth is, people don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.

Final thoughts

There is a difference between giving direction and giving directions. Direction is the end destination (your “why”) to which you are headed, while directions (your “how” and “what”) is the plan to get you there. Leaders often give directions when they should be setting direction.

Martin Luther King inspired many to make a difference on racism. Interestingly, his speech began with “I have a dream” and not “I have a plan”.

We think a great business begins with a solid business plan. But numerous businesses built on solid business plans don’t last either. Instead, start with “why” and you may just end up inspiring millions.

>Roshan Thiran is CEO of Leaderonomics, a social enterprise passionate about transforming the nation through leadership development. To sign up your kids for leadership camps this school holidays, email, or login to

December 21, 2010

Fun in numbers

Teenager Koong Zhe Xian admits he was a restless child who got bored of repetitive tasks. Today, he is all praise for a Japanese method of studying, which he credited for his passing the O-Level Mathematics at the age of 16.

The SMK Chan Wa, Seremban student – who is now proficient in pre-university level Maths syllabus such as algebra, calculus and statistics – was trained for 34 months under the Kumon Method.

“My marks in school (for Mathematics) have always been okay, scoring above 90%. But the method encouraged me to be more disciplined in my work,” said a visibly excited Zhe Xian when met in Kuala Lumpur recently.

The Science stream student added that he had learned to be independent in his thoughts.


Zhe Xian says the study method encouraged him to be more disciplined in his work.

Zhe Xian, who scored straight As in his PMR last year, aspires to be either a physics researcher or a teacher.

His mother Wu Swee Leng commented that many students failed to score in Mathematics due to lack of practice.

“To enjoy doing Mathematics, students need to get the basic skill correct. Then, they will enjoy the fun in the numbers. Otherwise, the subject will become stressful because they feel they can never get it right,” said Wu, who together with her husband, are both lecturers in tertiary level Mathematics.

The Kumon Method was developed by Japanese Mathematics teacher Toru Kumon in 1954.

There are about 200 Kumon centres spread out nationwide, providing training in Mathematics and English.

Much to gain from speakers’ experience

BEING talkative as a child turned out to be a good thing for senior industrial relations lawyer Datuk Thavalingam C. Thavarajah.

The personality trait, he says, has led him to pursue a challenging yet rewarding career in law.

“My teachers always complained that I talked too much. So, I thought I should make use of my ‘talent’ and decided to read law,” he says.

He says lawyers have to invest in the latest technology to keep abreast with the rapid changes in the industry.

Thavalingam says lawyers must keep abreast with the rapid changes in the industry.

“Time is of the essence in most transactions. The courts are also moving very fast so we have to be able to meet their requirements,” says Thavalingam, who was admitted to the Malaysian Bar two decades ago.

Thavalingam will be speaking on his life as a lawyer to aspiring students at the Star Education Fair, to be held on Jan 8 and 9 next year at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

The session Law and Architecture will see experts share their views with visitors on Jan 9.

For those who want to pursue a course in architecture, Taylor’s University dean of the School of Architecture, Building and Design Tony Liew says: “Students must ensure that the programme is accredited by the professional board governing architectural licensure.”

In Malaysia, he says, the architecture programmes are accredited by the Board of Architects Malaysia, not by the institution itself.

“Some schools are design oriented while others are technically oriented. Choose programmes that suit your ideas about architecture,” he says.

Joining Liew is Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM) president Boon Che Wee.

Boon says the career prospects for architecture graduates are very promising in the age of design economy.

The 23rd Star Education Fair will have a new line-up of experts speaking about career trends and study options in medicine, engineering, architecture and law.

Other highlights include talks on selecting the right pre-university programmes and funding for tertiary education.

The fair will also feature many educational institutions, professional bodies, higher education agencies and education centres which will provide students and their parents with information on a wide range of courses and options, both locally and abroad.


Inspiring exchange programme

Four young professionals take in the spectacular views, food and culture of Switzerland in an exchange programme to promote understanding and peace.

KEVITPAL Singh was in for a shock when he found out that his Swiss host father Alain Choisy, whom he would be staying with for a week in Geneva, Switzerland, could not speak a word of English.

The Malaysian, however, did not let the language barrier dampen his spirit – or his sense of humour, for that matter.

“Alain’s English is as good as my French, but we somehow managed to get by without any serious injuries,” he quipped.

Scenic mountains: Kevitpal posing at the picturesque town near Brig.

One of the funny incidents, as he recalled, was when he had to phone Choisy to pick him up after his activities.

“What I did was that I kept the phone calls as simple and short as possible which usually involved three steps only - identify myself on the phone, tell him the pick up point and end the call with ‘merci’,” he laughed.

Despite the occasional cross-cultural blunders, the experience of staying with the Swiss family had been a good start to the five-week exchange programme for the 30-year-old assistant customer service manager.

Kevitpal was one of the five Malaysian participants who took part in the Group Study Exchange (GSE) or Echange de Groupes d’Etudes by The Rotary Foundation (TRF) to Switzerland in May.

Led by scientist and Rotarian Dr Joy Varughese, the team comprised four young professionals who had been selected to represent District 3300 Malaysia in the exchange programme to District 1990 Western Switzerland.

Say cheese!: Team leader Dr Joy enjoying Swiss cheese fondue during a farewell dinner in Geneva.

Other members were Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia senior lecturer Dr Mashitoh Yaacob, Petronas investment analyst Marliana Abas and this writer.

They were sponsored by Rotary Club (RC) Kampung Baharu, RC Damansara West and RC Klang, while Kevitpal was sponsored by the Rotaract Club of Gombak.

All applicants had to go through a stringent selection process before the final selection was made.

The four successful applicants were chosen based on, among others, their knowledge on Rotary, their sponsor clubs, District 3300, communication skills and professional goals.

The GSE programme involved vocational visits, cultural learning and plenty of opportunities for networking.

As preparation, the team members were also given intensive French lessons four months prior to the start of the programme.

One for the album: Team members Dr Mashitoh (left), the writer and Marliana (right) dressed up in traditional costumes with host family members Françoise and Hermance Schaerlig in Geneva.

Calling it a flagship programme by TRF, immediate past district governor Leslie Salehuddin 2009/10 of District 3300 said the programme had grown and attracted participation from almost every district globally since its inception in 1965.

“The exchange programme connects people from different parts of the world to promote international understanding and world peace,” he said.

District GSE Chairman Mohd Odzman Abdul Kadir described the programme as unique, saying that the organising committee strived to match the background and expertise of the participants to that of the companies for their professional day visits.

“If you are a doctor, for example, we will take you to hospitals and specialist centres for your vocational visit so that you can interact and exchange ideas with your counterparts,” he said.

Spanning across more than five cities and towns, the programme saw the team travel to Zurich, Geneva, Neuchâtel, Freiburg, Zermatt, Brig and, lastly, Bern, before boarding their Kuala Lumpur-bound flight in Zurich.

The magnificent view of the Alps wasn’t the only thing that would make a trip to Switzerland worthwhile. What made the exchange programme special was the gracious hospitality of the hosts.

From the savoury cheese fondue to milky Swiss chocolates, the participants were treated to almost every iconic Swiss food by the host families as well as the Rotarians.

While in Geneva, the team had a chance to meet confiseur Michel Rapp, who has been making chocolates for more than three decades in Nyon.

While people may be eating less chocolate these days for fear of consuming too much sugar in their diet, said Rapp, they are after chocolates that are of higher and better quality. In fact, he said, a study has shown that cocoa is rich in antioxidants.

Dr Joy said it was a life-changing experience for those involved in the programme.

“We learnt that no matter which country, what level of development and living standard, people face problems, joys and sorrows. One has to understand this and move forward to build a better world for all humanity,” he said.

Specialising in environmental ethics and education, Dr Mashitoh said it was great to learn about the professions in Switzerland and that the Swiss were not so different after all.

“One thing that I took back with me is the ‘Swiss precision’ (punctuality) – it is a good practice.

“If I could use one word to summarise my experience, it would be ‘beautiful’.

“This explains why we have taken more than 7,000 photos!” she said.

Among the excursions that the team took part in were visits to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Patek Philippe Museum, the Saut-du-Doubs waterfall, the historical town of Murten, popular ski holiday spot Belalp and the Grimsel Dam.

They also visited rotary clubs where they made presentations to promote Malaysia and its cultures.

The 2011/12 GSE programme is to RI District 5110 Southern Oregon and Northern California, the United States. For more information, visit

December 14, 2010

Malaysian student in Australia gets the Rhodes for Oxford

University of Adelaide final-year medical student Christopher Wong, whose parents are Malaysian, has been named the 2011 Rhodes Scholar for South Australia.

Wong, 24, of Toorak Gardens, Adelaide, is the son of Dr Charles Wong Chun-Hing, who hails from Alor Setar, Kedah, and Tan Siew Jee, from Jasin, Melaka.

"I believe this is the first time someone of Asian background, let alone Malaysian descent, has won a Rhodes Scholarship in South Australia," Wong said.

"It's great to see Malaysians kicking goals wherever in the world they now are," he said.

Wong said the Rhodes Scholarship was a wonderful opportunity to not only study at one of the most prestigious universities in the world but also spend time with the best and brightest students from many different backgrounds.

"It is incredibly surreal to receive such a coveted scholarship, and I'm very excited about my time in Oxford," the student said.

Wong will study for a Masters of Global Health Science at Oxford.

"I chose this course because it offers graduates the opportunity to develop skills in a wide range of medical areas, including public health, health economics and management, epidemiology and statistics," he said.

The scholarship is the latest honour for the former Pembroke School (Adelaide) student who has been lauded by some of Australia's most respected medical researchers for his achievements to date.

Wong graduated as Dux of Pembroke School in 2004, matriculating with eight perfect scores. In 2008, while in the 4th year of his medical degree, Wong was awarded one of Australia's top cardiovascular prizes for his research into atrial fibrillation, the most common heart rhythm disorder in the world.

He was the first undergraduate student in Australia to win the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand's Affiliate Prize for Scientific Excellence, chosen ahead of 2,000 other delegates, most of whom were established post-doctoral scientists with years of experience behind them.

Earlier this year, he was a guest presenter at the European Society of Cardiology's Scientific Congress in Stockholm, providing results of a study on Australian heart disease.

Wong is a former president of the Adelaide Medical Students' Society, an accomplished violinist who has played with the Adelaide University Medical Orchestra and the Australian Doctors Orchestra, a keen marathon runner, taking part in the London Marathon in 2009, and a fund-raiser for both the National Heart Foundation and Oxfam.

He is described by one of Australia's leading cardiologists, Professor Prash Sanders, as "the most outstanding student" he has ever supervised.

Nine Rhodes Scholars are chosen in Australia each year - one for each state, plus three for Australia at large. They are chosen on their academic achievements, as well as community work, leadership and sporting activities.

September 06, 2010

Indonesian students write letters to Malaysian counterparts

In support of a peaceful settlement to the spat between Indonesia and Malaysia, 220 students from a high school in Central Java have written letters of friendship to Malaysian students.

In their letters, the Pertama Keluarga High School students expressed their hope of seeing the easing of the tense situation, the Indonesian weekly Sunday Post reported yesterday.

“We agreed to write friendship letters to students there (Malaysia), and through these letters we want to encourage them to strengthen the bond of friendship between Indonesian and Malaysian students,” Ardi Satya, a student told the newspaper.

He said declaring war against Malaysia was not the best solution to overcome problems between the two countries as there were other peaceful means.

An official of the school told the newspaper that the letters would be sent to the Malaysian embassy in Jakarta today.

The newspaper also quoted the high school headmaster Basuki as expressing hope of seeing more students in both countries making similar efforts.

“We say no to war,” he was quoted as saying.

A number of Indonesian politicians have over the past three weeks, urged President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to declare war against Malaysia as the final solution to resolving problems between the two countries.

Bilateral relations between Malaysia and Indonesia have been strained over the maritime border incident off Riau islands on Aug 13, when Malaysian marine police arrested three Indonesian officials, while the Indonesian authorities detained seven Malaysian fishermen.

May 04, 2010

Tough decision

AVINAASH Subramaniam is beaming with pride. He is the only Malaysian to have been accepted into Harvard University this autumn. This is not all — he has also managed to earn a place at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), both among the best universities in the United States (US).

However, the former SMK Damanasara Jaya student who is presently pursuing his A-Level studies at Help University College, is in a tough spot as he still cannot make up his mind on the university he wants to go to.

Avinaash has been awarded a full scholarship at Harvard University, and has until tomorrow to decide if he would prefer to do his undergraduate studies there.

While Harvard looks promising, so is MIT, where his sister Anushree is completing her undergraduate degree in Economics and Mathematics.

Anushree was one of the country’s top students in 2005 when she scored 14 A’s in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examinations.
Dr Goh (third from left) congratulates Ryan while Avinaash, Michael (second from right), Dr Coffman and Tan look on.

Avinaash who obtained 11A’s in the 2008 SPM, said he is also undecided about the courses he would like to pursue.

“The US system generally does not accept freshmen into any particular degree programme and we only need to declare our major(s) in the second or third year.

“We are encouraged to do a range of subjects and discover our interests before taking the plunge,” said Avinaash who has indicated an interest in Biology including Ecological and Environmental Sciences.

Dr Goh Cheng Teik, who sits on the interview panel that selects students for undergraduate admission into Harvard University, said that students applied directly to the university.

“Harvard will then shortlist the applicants from each country and send us the names of those to be interviewed,” he said at a recent press conference to announce the names of those selected for admission to Harvard University.

This year, there were four shortlisted applicants from Malaysia, but only three were successful. They include Avinaash and two American students Michael George and Ryan Marschang, who are currently studying and residing in Malaysia.

Both Michael and Ryan are students of the International School Kuala Lumpur.
Avinaash (left) getting to know Ryan (middle) and Michael after the announcement.

Michael said he was interested in studying International Relations and has received offers from other top US universities but has not made his decision yet.

“Harvard is definitely at the top of my list. I’m still torn between Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Stanford,” he added.

Ryan, who moved to Kuala Lumpur with his family in 2004, said he has also received offers from the University of Pennsylvania, Northwestern University and the University of California, Berkeley.

“I never imagined getting into Harvard when I was applying for entry into colleges, but I have not made up my mind yet,” he said, adding that he might opt for a double major in Developmental Economics and Engineering.

Another interviewer Nathaniel Tan, who is also an education and applications consultant, said applicants should have critical thinking skills, a passion and an interest in world affairs, apart from wanting to make an impact.

Dr Goh encouraged Malaysian students to apply for admission into Harvard University.

He said money would not be an issue should one successfully gain admission into Harvard.

“If parents are unable to pay the full cost, the university will provide financial aid,” he added.

Also present was Malaysian-American Commission on Educational Exchange (Macee) executive director Dr James Coffman, who said there had been a 20% increase in the number of Malaysian students going to the US compared to the previous year.

“There are over 4,000 higher education institutions in the US and our goal at Macee is to see many Malaysians studying there,” he said.


Too much, too young

Rising social ills and exposure to sexual imagery are at the forefront of why our students need to be better informed about their bodies. But with demands from all sides, how do we make sex education work?

ON April 13, around 3.30pm, a 14-year-old girl was alone in her classroom in a secondary school in Rawang, Selangor, during recess. But things went horribly wrong when she became a target of her fellow schoolmates.

Not only was she raped while being watched by others in the empty classroom, she also had a 4cm-long pencil inserted into her vagina which resulted in great pain whenever she urinated.

Even more disturbing is the fact that the victim, who is an orphan, was reportedly said to be not aware of the foreign object in her vagina until it was discovered by doctors one week after the rape during the medical examination.

She was also found to be a month pregnant.
Should we be teaching abstinence or safe sex to Malaysian teenagers in schools?

Anger and outrage aside, what else does this case tell you?

It shows that the girl did not seem to know and understand her own body well. Is it due to lack of knowledge or plain naivety?

Whatever it is, no child deserves to be treated like that.

Now, the question is: would this still have happened if sex education or, rather, Pendidikan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial (PKRS or Reproductive, Social and Health Education) is being taught effectively in schools, as Deputy Education Minister Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi said at Dewan Negara recently?

And the closest we have to a definitive answer is: maybe.

Social ills are not necessarily due to the lack of sex education in schools as some individuals may think, as there are many other factors such as the offenders’ social economic status, upbringing and exposure to pornography that could have contributed to the horrendous sex crime committed against the girl.
Assoc Prof Dr Mary Huang

However, it is believed that she would have been more likely to speak up and protect herself from sexual violence had she been taught, for example, about the difference between “good touch” and “bad touch” from young, be it in schools or at the orphanage.

As a mother wrote to The Star recently says: “teaching schoolchildren how to protect themselves from sexual violence is also sex education”.

Raging hormones

Many were caught by surprise when Dr Mohd Puad told Dewan Negara on Tuesday that PKRS had, in fact, been taught in schools since two decades ago.

The announcement came weeks after a contentious debate by various groups calling for sex education to be introduced in schools following several cases of abandoned babies.

Dr Mohd Puad, in his reply to Senator Doris Sophia Brodi on Tuesday, said PKRS had been taught in secondary schools since 1989, and since 1994 in primary schools.

He added that PKRS was covered in Biology, Science, Additional Science, Moral Education and Islamic education, among others. As such, he said, it was not necessary to introduce sex education as a specific subject.

If that is indeed the case, why isn’t the general public aware of it?

So, here comes the burning question — is what we have in PKRS driving home the message?

“Some girls become sexually active from as young as 10 years old and get pregnant at 13. You will be shocked that some boys who fathered the babies are only 15 or 16,” says Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Centre of General Studies senior lecturer Dr Johari Talib.

“We don’t want to admit it (teenage pregnancy) because we are a Muslim country and we have enough religion education. But how effective is the Islamic education or other religion education in schools?” he adds.
The curriculum for sex education has to be age appropriate.

In response to that, he calls for a research to be conducted to gauge the effectiveness of the teaching of PKRS in schools.

As he sees it, sex education may not necessarily need to be taught as a specific subject.

More important, he says, is the delivery method.

“Do teachers have skills to “blend” knowledge about sexuality with moral and religion values? Do teachers have ideas of the right or appropriate methods, teaching aids in teaching sexuality? Does the module cover appropriate knowledge on sexuality such as sexual intercourse, contraceptive, private parts, sexual harassment?” Dr Johari asked.

A check by StarEducation with school teachers reveals that not many of them are aware of the PKRS module, let alone the school children.

A Science teacher in Klang, who has more than 30 years experience, says she has not seen the PKRS module. Neither has she received any circular or instruction from the headmaster to teach the module.

For Form Two student Cecilia Tan* of the Klang Valley, the only time she learned about sexuality in primary school was during the “free time” after the UPSR examinations.

“One day after our UPSR exam, my form teacher suddenly asked if we had any questions related to sexuality, period, and so on.

“She said that would be the only opportunity for us to clear any doubts about sex as she said she would not be answering any sex-related questions after that,” she laments.

Commenting on that, Universiti Putra Malaysia Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Assoc Prof Dr Mary Huang says the Education Ministry must take the necessary steps to ensure that the module is being used in schools.

“We were told at a meeting that the period was usually taken up by more ‘important’ examination subjects. The minister must assure us that he will do something to ensure that schools use the periods for what they were assigned for,” she says.

Safe sex vs abstinence

Abstinence, without a doubt, is what most Malaysian parents and religious groups would encourage the young people to practise.

But just switch on the radio to any station, and you’ll find most – if not all – the hits are rife with innuendoes at best, and downright obscenities at worst. Lyrics such as Nelly Furtado’s Promiscuous could even be considered “mild” by today’s standards.

Promiscuous boy, you already know that I’m all yours. What you waiting for?

Promiscuous girl, you’re teasing me, you know what I want, and I got what you need.

With constant exposure to sexual imagery — be it in pop culture, on television, the Internet or even mobile phone applications — is it realistic to expect teenagers with raging hormones to stay abstinent?

Currently, questions are also being raised about whether the PKRS module reflects the current situation in Malaysian society — that our teenagers are becoming sexually active at a younger age, compared to their peers from decades past.

In view of that, it has been suggested that safe sex be taught in schools — which has raised a few eyebrows.

“For those who call for contraception to be taken off the shelves at 7-Eleven, please think twice about it,” says Dr Huang.

“I would love to teach abstinence to young people, but in reality you can’t have it,” she says in an interview.

As she sees it, it is wrong to deprive the child’s right to information.

“My stance is that young people should be given all the knowledge. Then based on whatever their religious beliefs, they make a choice. When they make a choice, it must be an informed choice.

“If they want to get involved in sex, they must be aware of what they are getting themselves into. They must also be aware that they can say ‘no’.

“That’s a woman’s right. It’s her body that she doesn’t have to bow to the pressure of males,” she says.

PT Foundation Pink Triangle (MSM) programme acting executive director and programme director Raymond Tai says research has shown that where sex education is properly conducted, the young people tend to delay sexual experimentation.

According to studies conducted by Collins et al., 2005, and Kirby et al., 2006, comprehensive sex education successfully delayed sexual intercourse, reduced sexual behaviors and increased condom and contraceptive use among sexually active adolescents.

“Children should be taught all about sex from an early age. Knowledge is neutral and should never be censored.

“How the knowledge is applied depends on the person’s values and upbringing. Hence the role of parents and religion is important in enabling children to apply the knowledge according to their own values,” he says.

Although most people are for the teaching of sex education in schools, there are some individuals who are of the view that teens would become promiscuous if they are taught about safe sex.

Unfortunately, says Dr Huang, the dividing voice is due to a lack of understanding.

“That’s because they don’t understand what sex education is about.

“The people who protest are so afraid that we are going to teach the young people the positions of sex and how to enjoy sex,” she says.

While safe sex is being promoted more aggresively in the media, there are, however, groups which advocate that abstinence is still the best approach when it comes to educating the young people about sexuality.

Just ask Focus on the Family (FOF) Malaysia general manager Benny Kong who strongly believes in No Apologies, a character-based sexuality programme that promotes abstinence from pre-marital sex.

“We don’t go around and preach that sex is bad.

“What we are saying is that the couple should wait until marriage,” he says.

“Abstinence should be given equal emphasis as safe sex as it (abstinence) is the best approach to avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections or diseases,” he says.

*Name has been changed.

The Star

March 30, 2010

Malaysia hilang 350,000 pekerja mahir

Situasi modal insan di Malaysia tidak bertambah baik kerana negara kehilangan tenaga kerja mahir yang diperlukan untuk memacu pertumbuhan di masa depan.

Banyak tenaga kerja mahir Malaysia meninggalkan negara untuk mencari peluang lebih baik di negara lain dan menurut anggaran Kementerian Sumber Manusia pada 2008 - kira-kira 350,000 dewasa Malaysia bekerja di luar negara, lebih separuh daripadanya lulusan institusi pengajian tinggi.

Kehilangan besar-besaran tenaga kerja mahir Malaysia diburukkan lagi dengan hakikat bahawa sistem pendidikan, disebalik modal besar yang diperuntukkan melalui beberapa usaha pembaharuan, tidak mengeluarkan tenaga kerja mahir yang diperlukan secara efektif, kata Majlis Penasihat Ekonomi Negara (NEAC) dalam Laporan Pertama Model Ekonomi Baru bagi Malaysia yang dikeluarkan di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.

Kehilangan besar-besaran tenaga kerja mahir Malaysia diburukkan lagi dengan hakikat bahawa sistem pendidikan, disebalik modal besar yang diperuntukkan melalui beberapa usaha pembaharuan, tidak mengeluarkan tenaga kerja mahir yang diperlukan secara efektif, kata Majlis Penasihat Ekonomi Negara (NEAC) dalam Laporan Pertama Model Ekonomi Baru bagi Malaysia yang dikeluarkan di sini hari ini.

"Kita tid
ak membangunkan tenaga kerja mahir dan apa yang kita ada pula meninggalkan kita," kata NEAC.

Laporan itu menyatakan pemain industri sering mengeluh mengenai ketiadaan tenaga kerja mahir yang sesuai di pasaran, mencadangkan tenaga kerja mahir yang dikeluarkan oleh sistem pendidikan dan yang diperlukan oleh syarikat adalah tidak sepadan.

Penilaian terbaru oleh Bank Dunia mencadangkan syarikat-syarikat kini semakin bimbang, pertamanya mengenai teknologi maklumat (IT), kemahiran dan kemahiran teknikal/profesional pekerja Malaysia diikuti aduan mengenai kurang kreativiti dan tidak fasih bahasa Inggeris.

Menurut laporan Jabatan Perangkaan pada 2007, 80 peratus tenaga kerja Malaysia menerima pendidikan hanya setakat Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM).

Data Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi menunjukkan pada 2008, kira-kira suku daripada lulusan universiti tempatan masih menganggur selepas enam bulan menamatkan pengajian.

"Malahan mereka yang mendapat kerja, hampir satu pertiga bekerja dalam bidang kemahiran lebih rendah," menurut laporan itu.

Menurut Kementerian Sumber Manusia, antara 2001 dan 2005, kerajaan membelanjakan RM415 juta untuk melatih kira-kira 40,000 siswazah untuk meningkatkan kemahiran mereka untuk diambil bekerja.

"Pelbagai program untuk menarik tenaga kerja mahir diperkenalkan di masa lalu tetapi hanya sedikit yang dicapai secara konkrit. Hasilnya ialah kekurangan tenaga kerja dinamik yang diperlukan untuk memacu Malaysia dalam aktiviti-aktiviti nilai tambah lebih tinggi," kata NEAC.

Menurut laporan itu, kerjasama lebih baik antara majikan sektor swasta dan universiti akan dapat membantu membetulkan keadaan tiada sepadan antara permintaan industri dan siswazah serta meningkatkan peluang siswazah mendapat kerja.

"Malaysia perlu melaksanakan program mampan dan sistematik untuk memastikan pelajar Malaysia diberi peluang untuk meningkatkan penguasaan bahasa Inggeris yang diperlukan untuk bersaing dalam pasaran global," menurut laporan itu.

Laporan itu menyatakan sistem sedia ada lebih tidak menggalakkan daripada menggalakkan pengekalan tenaga kerja mahir tempatan dan kemasukan tenaga kerja mahir asing.


Kekangan termasuk penghijrahan besar-besaran dan dasar-dasar insentif yang tidak menggalakkan pakar asing diambil kerja di samping amalan sekatan oleh persatuan-persatuan profesional yang menghalang pekerja asing daripada bekerja di Malaysia, menurutnya.

March 11, 2010

Top scorers’ recipe for success

Strong family support and self-discipline seem to be the recipe for success for most of this year’s SPM top scorers.

Although Ashley Leow’s life has not been a bed of roses, she emerged as one of SMK (P) St George’s top scorers.

The Penang lass has always kept her spirits high despite her family not being able to provide the best for her.
Ecstatic: (From left) Yeoh, Leow and Chan showing off their results to principal Shariffah Afifah in Penang Thursday.

Leow, who scored 9 A+s, said her family was not well-off and there were times when she wished she had what her friends had.

“My mother is a housewife. My father got retrenched last year and is now helping a relative with his business.

“Sometimes I wish I could afford some nice things like what my friends had, but I didn’t let it get me down,” the bubbly 18-year-old said.

She said she did not expect to do so well, especially in Mathematics since it was her weakest subject.

Leow was also active in many co-curricular activities, namely judo, bowling and the Interact Club.

The Sukma 2008 bronze medal winner said her passion for judo helped instil discipline in her and taught her many of life’s lessons.

Fellow 9 A+s scorer Stephanie Chan said that although she, Leow and another top scorer Yeoh Jin Ming were not in the same class, they had discussions whenever they were not clear about something.

Yeoh said she was surprised when she scored 9A+s as she only started revising in the few months leading up to the exam.

“But it’s important to pay attention in class and to concentrate in your lessons,” she added.

Principal Shariffah Afifah Syed Abbas attributed the success of the school, one of the first 20 high performance schools in the country, to the students, teachers and parents.

In Ipoh, news of Hu May Khei being one of the country’s top SPM scorers did not come as a surprise to her principal Che Su Mahamud.

Che Su said Hu, of SMK Convent Taiping, had scored in all public examinations.

Hu is studying in Singapore now.

“She is a pleasant girl who is an all rounder,” Che Su added. In Malacca, Lai Yin Kwin, who attributed his top-scoring success to strong family support and self-discipline, is among the top 10 students in the country.

Lai, who is from Malacca High School and scored 9As, thanked his parents, in particular his mother Ng Gek Choo and two elder sisters who had also previously scored straight As in their SPM.

In Klang, it was an early birthday gift for Siti Aisyah Mohd Ramli as she emerged as one of the top scorers in Selangor.

Siti Aisyah, who is going to celebrate her 17th birthday on March 14, said she believed the key to her achievement was from sharing knowledge and helping others in their studies.


Education Ministry releases names of best schools and students

The practice of listing top students who excel in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) is back after an absence of a few years.

This year, Gladys Tan Yee Kim from SMK Green Road in Kuching emerged the top SPM student in the country with a score of 10A+’s.

The practice was stopped as the ministry was moving towards a more holistic education system and there were suicide cases involving several students who did not perform well in public examinations.

Announcing the list, Education director-general Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom added that the country’s top school was SM Sains Seremban (see list).

He said a total of 7,987 students obtained a combination of A+, A and A- in all the subjects taken in the SPM last year, adding that 214 students from government schools and 41 students who were either from private schools or private candidates, obtained A+ in all subjects taken.

“We have implemented a more detailed grading system starting from last year’s SPM and an A+ grade is considered a super distinction,” he told reporters when announcing the analysis of the SPM and Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) 2009 results at the ministry yesterday.

Alimuddin added that A+ was the highest possible grade, which meant students would have scored more than 90% in the subject (see chart).

Students are now graded according to A+, A, A-, B+, B, C+, C, D, E and G compared to previously when the grades were from 1A to 9G.

On the number of subjects taken by students, he said 3,052 students sat for 10 subjects, 2,230 took 11, 1,700 took nine while only one student took 17, four took 16, and 13 took 15.

Alimuddin said 538 students with special needs were among the 465,853 who sat for the SPM.

He said Ng Jin Lui from SMK Gajah Berang in Malacca, who is visually impaired, was the top special needs student in the country with four A+’s, three A’s and four A-’s.

In Science, English and Moral Education, Alimuddin said rural students did better than their urban counterparts.

For the overall results, Alimuddin said 364,046 students obtained the SPM certificate this year compared to 347,443 in 2008.

Of the total who obtained the certificate, 199,155 passed all their subjects compared to 181,419 in 2008.

On the overall achievement of schools for SPM in relation to National Key Result Areas, Alimuddin said a majority of them were in the excellent, good and moderate categories.

“About 143 (6.7%) of the schools are in the ‘with potential category’,” he said.

Meanwhile, he said 3,138 students obtained the STAM certificate with the minimum grade of Maqbul (Pass).

“Their achievements mean they will be able to obtain a place at Al-Azhar University in Egypt and other institutions,” he said.

Excelling in SPM without tuition classes

SPM top scorer Grace Kiew Sze-Ern (pic) has proven that students can excel in examinations without attending tuition classes.

“What we learn in school is enough. We could just do revision by ourselves at home,” said the SMK (P) Sri Aman student after collecting her results in school yesterday.

Kiew, 17, who obtained 15A+s, is the second top student in the country’s SPM 2009 results.

When asked what was her secret, she replied in jest: “Study hard and pray a lot.”

However, she admitted to crying the day before collecting her results due to pressure, and was relieved that she did so well.

Born in Warrington, Britain, and raised in Malaysia, Kiew was a principal cellist in her school’s orchestra.

She also speaks Japanese and a little bit of Korean.

Kiew is looking at options such as medicine and dentistry.

Principal Alainal Hasani Md Noor said she was very proud of her students’ achievement.

“It’s a gift from them to me,” said Alainal.

Another student, Siti Aqeela Shaik Mohamed, who obtained 10A+s, was in tears when she received her result slips from the principal.

Education Ministry releases names of best schools and students

The practice of listing top students who excel in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) is back after an absence of a few years.

This year, Gladys Tan Yee Kim from SMK Green Road in Kuching emerged the top SPM student in the country with a score of 10A+’s.

The practice was stopped as the ministry was moving towards a more holistic education system and there were suicide cases involving several students who did not perform well in public examinations.

Announcing the list, Education director-general Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom added that the country’s top school was SM Sains Seremban (see list).

He said a total of 7,987 students obtained a combination of A+, A and A- in all the subjects taken in the SPM last year, adding that 214 students from government schools and 41 students who were either from private schools or private candidates, obtained A+ in all subjects taken.

“We have implemented a more detailed grading system starting from last year’s SPM and an A+ grade is considered a super distinction,” he told reporters when announcing the analysis of the SPM and Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) 2009 results at the ministry yesterday.

Alimuddin added that A+ was the highest possible grade, which meant students would have scored more than 90% in the subject (see chart).

Students are now graded according to A+, A, A-, B+, B, C+, C, D, E and G compared to previously when the grades were from 1A to 9G.

On the number of subjects taken by students, he said 3,052 students sat for 10 subjects, 2,230 took 11, 1,700 took nine while only one student took 17, four took 16, and 13 took 15.

Alimuddin said 538 students with special needs were among the 465,853 who sat for the SPM.

He said Ng Jin Lui from SMK Gajah Berang in Malacca, who is visually impaired, was the top special needs student in the country with four A+’s, three A’s and four A-’s.

In Science, English and Moral Education, Alimuddin said rural students did better than their urban counterparts.

For the overall results, Alimuddin said 364,046 students obtained the SPM certificate this year compared to 347,443 in 2008.

Of the total who obtained the certificate, 199,155 passed all their subjects compared to 181,419 in 2008.

On the overall achievement of schools for SPM in relation to National Key Result Areas, Alimuddin said a majority of them were in the excellent, good and moderate categories.

“About 143 (6.7%) of the schools are in the ‘with potential category’,” he said.

Meanwhile, he said 3,138 students obtained the STAM certificate with the minimum grade of Maqbul (Pass).

“Their achievements mean they will be able to obtain a place at Al-Azhar University in Egypt and other institutions,” he said.


January 26, 2010

Heroic teacher honoured

The SK Dipang teacher recalled that he was among a handful of people who jumped into the Kampar River to save the pupils after the suspension bridge gave way.

“I will never forget that day as I watched so many pupils fighting against the strong current to stay afloat,” he said after accepting a certificate of appreciation from Perak Fire and Rescue Department director Asst Comm Mohd Din Rajad during the firemen’s annual gathering at the Gopeng Fire Station Tuesday.

The certificate was given in recognition of his heroic efforts during the Oct 26 incident last year.

Three schoolchildren attending the 1Malaysia camp in Kuala Dipang – N. Dina Deve and M. Devatharshini, both 11, and V. Divyashree, 12 – drowned after the suspension bridge collapsed.

The 34-year-old said he instinctively jumped into the river and managed to save three schoolchildren and a civilian who had wanted to help, from being swept away.

“I never thought this could happen,” he added.

“I almost drowned as I was holding on to two schoolchildren while trying to make it to the riverbank.”

When asked how he felt about receiving the certificate, Mohd Sharif said although he appreciated the gesture, he was not proud to receive the award because three pupils had lost their lives.

“I would have been proud if the three had been saved,” he said.

Heroic teacher honoured

The SK Dipang teacher recalled that he was among a handful of people who jumped into the Kampar River to save the pupils after the suspension bridge gave way.
“I will never forget that day as I watched so many pupils fighting against the strong current to stay afloat,” he said after accepting a certificate of appreciation from Perak Fire and Rescue Department director Asst Comm Mohd Din Rajad during the firemen’s annual gathering at the Gopeng Fire Station Tuesday.
The certificate was given in recognition of his heroic efforts during the Oct 26 incident last year.
Three schoolchildren attending the 1Malaysia camp in Kuala Dipang – N. Dina Deve and M. Devatharshini, both 11, and V. Divyashree, 12 – drowned after the suspension bridge collapsed.
The 34-year-old said he instinctively jumped into the river and managed to save three schoolchildren and a civilian who had wanted to help, from being swept away.
“I never thought this could happen,” he added.
“I almost drowned as I was holding on to two schoolchildren while trying to make it to the riverbank.”
When asked how he felt about receiving the certificate, Mohd Sharif said although he appreciated the gesture, he was not proud to receive the award because three pupils had lost their lives.
“I would have been proud if the three had been saved,” he said.

January 14, 2010

Principals directed to step up security in schools

The Education Ministry has instructed all school principals and headmasters nationwide to step up security at their schools after a Molotov cocktail was thrown at the guardhouse of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Convent here Sunday.
Education Director-General Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom said Monday they had been reminded to abide by circular 4/2002 on the implementation of the safe school programme in handling matters related to the security of schools and students.
"The school security guards have also been directed to enforce tighter control in their areas. They must contact the police immediately if there is anything suspicious," he told reporters after visiting SMK Convent here.
He said that generally, security at SMK Convent and other schools in the country was good and the safety of students was assured and teachers and parents need not worry about Sunday's incident.
Meanwhile, Perak Mentri Besar Perak Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir reminded politicians not play up the arson attacks on several churches for political mileage.
All parties, including the media, should play their role and make national security and peace their priority, he said after visiting the St Louis Catholic Church, located next to SMK Convent, which was believed to be the target of the attack.
A Molotov cocktail was also thrown at the All Saints Church in Jalan Taming Sari Sunday but there was no damage done in both incidents. - Bernama