December 05, 2011
September 08, 2011
Speech and Action
One should say to the mind, 'Look here, you are my mind, you are my instrument. You are my slave and servant. You are here to help me, to work for me in this world. You have to listen to me. You will do whatever I wish. You will think whatever I wish. You will feel whatever I wish. You will not think or feel differently from my wishes, for you are my mind and you must prove in the end to be mine.' By doing this we begin to analyze our mind. We begin to see where it is wrong and where it is right. What is wrong in it and what is right in it; whether it is clouded, whether it is rusted, whether it has become too cool or whether it has become over-heated. We can train it ourselves, in accordance with its condition, and it is we who are the best trainers of our mind, better than anybody else in the world.
The heart must be tuned to the stage and the pitch where one feels at-one-ment with persons, objects, and conditions. For instance, when one cannot bear the climate, it only means that one is not in harmony with the climate; when one cannot get on with persons, that one is not in harmony with them; when one cannot get on with certain affairs, that one is not in harmony with those affairs. If conditions seem hard, it shows that one is not in harmony with the conditions.
The most important subject to study in this whole life is ourselves. What we generally do is to criticize others, speak ill of them, or dislike them; but we always excuse ourselves. The right idea is to watch our own attitude, our own thought and speech and action, and to examine ourselves to see how we react upon all things in our favor and in our disfavor, to see whether we show wisdom and control in our reactions or whether we are without control and thought. Then we should also study our body, for by this we should learn that the body is not only a means of experiencing life by eating and drinking and making ourselves comfortable, but that it is the sacred temple of God.
September 07, 2011
Happy productive life
We need to be listened to and to listen… we need to be inspired and to inspire… we need to be encouraged and to encourage… be empowered and to empower… be enabled by action and to enable action … we need to be cared for and to care.
All of us here have experience of those basic actions and their relevance in our own lives
Our communities need a plan to create a better society, something that is better that what we left during our grandparents days. We need to take responsibility for part of this plan.
We need realistic steps to achieve that. All too often we hear about a general vision for Indian Muslim community life but ultimately we need engines..drivers to move it forward.
Many years as have many others have worked at the heart of the community of this important corner of the world for many years so that will not become stale and disillusioned. This have pursued this through massive transformation in the area -new houses, new generations, new shopping centres. Once again, a call has gone out that it is important that we build not only that we build for example a sustainable shopping centre but also a sustainable community with a strong caring attitude, people that will comment on or voice their concerns about what the community also needed.
June 16, 2011
Simplicity in life
DISILLUSIONED by life in the fast lane, thousands are now choosing to simplify their lives. They feel materialism has got them nowhere and prefer to take a back seat and live a life free from stress.
In spite of the advancement of science and technology, are we any more peaceful and happy than we were some years ago? These days, there is a lot of fear and uncertainty. That is why it is important to live a simple and honest life.
Simplifying our lifestyle is a return to spirituality. There is a need in us for simple truths, simple insights, simply expressed and simply understood.
In simplicity, there is inner beauty, purity and clarity. Truth is always simple and profound. The words and actions of a person who treasures simplicity are straight-forward and transparent and such a person becomes a model for others to emulate. He is unswayed by shallow desires and, hence, free from greed.
Complications seem to be inevitable by-products of modern living. Simplicity gives birth to inspirations.
By maintaining a balance of living simply yet comfortably, and only using what I really need of the earth’s resources, I will always have an abundance in my life.
May 25, 2011
successful leaders, we find success driven by the quality of loving relationships within an organisation. These loving relationships are seen through behaviours like compassion, commitment, care, kindness, reflection, intuition, inclusiveness and forgiveness.
Prominent leader John Hope Bryant believes there are four laws of love-based leadership for business:
Fear fails Leading through fear is antiquated and crippling. Love is the antidote to fear.
Love makes money Long-term loving relationships with customers and employees make everyone wealthy.
Vulnerability is power When you open up, people open to you.
Giving is getting Giving inspires loyalty and confers true wealth. John D. Rockefeller, regarded as the richest man ever, was governed by love and believed it was greater to give than receive. People rallied to him because he gave. He later used his wealth to build universities and fund great causes.
May 08, 2011
Happy Mother day and Happy Birthday Amma.....
"A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts."
special wish to my mum ..Halimah bt Mohd Mydin
Happy Mother day and Happy Birthday Amma.....
Managing Tacit Knowledge in Projects
Train the team in the technology
Ensure that the transition happens without any glitches
Due to the effort of the senior engineers in his project they moved into the steady state and wrote success stories for 1 year. This was also due to the knowledge management practices that they adopted. The team developed Books of Knowledge on technology and the system they were maintaining. After 1.5 years Suresh had to release 5 of his senior engineers for other opportunities. The release was planned 2 months in advance and Suresh ensured that a proper transition took place. After all the planned activities were completed, the release happened. The next two days saw a flurry of cases from customer as it was the quarter end. There were some major issues and suddenly the team was panicking. The frantic and clueless team approached Suresh for the contact numbers of the engineers who left the project.Now what could have gone wrong here, after such careful planning and meticulous knowledge management ?why was the team not able to cope up with the flurry of cases? The answer is simple; Suresh missed a few tricks of tacit knowledge management in his project.Some of the tacit knowledge management practices, which can be adopted in projects, are:
No knowledge is too less to share and too trivial not to disclose: Ensure that the team understands the importance of the routine jobs they might be doing, and ensure that such routine jobs are identified and recorded properly.
Rotation of tasks: Ensure that people are rotated across modules in the same project and that proper training takes place during such rotation. The team should record special cases that were not handled in the transition, and which they came to know of only after working on the system. This can be identified easily when a particular task is taking a longer time to complete with a new set of people.
Working with gurus: In every project, we come across gurus. This is because they have grasped the technology/system better than others in the team, or they have found a way to work smarter. Allow people to work with gurus on a rotation basis and tell them to record any steps that the whole team is unaware of.
Eureka mails: Encourage the team to send eureka mails, when they struggle with a task, and eventually find a solution
10 min knowledge sessions: Schedule daily recap sessions of the issues encountered. A scribe should be allocated to take down the major issues. The scribe should record such issues in a daily tips repository and send out emails, whenever a major issue is solved.
From the above mentioned points it is quite clear that interaction between team members is the key to managing tacit knowledge. The team is the strength of any project. Therefore, as a project manager, managing tacit knowledge equates to being a facilitator to interactions within the team and innovating new ideas to make these interactions more productive and interesting.
April 26, 2011
What house are you building?
“Keep doing what you’re doing, and you’ll get what you are getting. If that is good, great. If it’s not, you better change.” – Ang Hui Ming
A FEW years ago, I heard about an elderly construction worker who wanted to quit. He told his boss of his plans to leave. His boss was sorry to see such an excellent worker go and asked him to build one last house as a personal favour.
The construction worker said yes, but his heart was not in his work. There was no passion left. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials, cutting corners to get the work done.
Finally, when the house was finished, his boss handed him the keys to the house saying, “This is your house. It’s my gift to you.” The construction worker was stunned and full of regret as he knew he was sloppy working on it. If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently.
Isn’t it the same with us? Often we work hard but after a point in time, we dish out less than stellar performances. Our attitudes differ but we console ourselves by saying it doesn’t matter. But in most cases, it does matter.
Each day, we build our lives, one transaction at a time. Each day counts as we build our life’s building. When I worked at General Electric (GE), people always spoke about the “house that Jack built.” Jack Welch, painstakingly, for more than 20 years, built the foundation of GE, then its rooms, its roof and finally completed a remarkable turnaround. This took patience, time and years.
When we don’t get the promotion we crave, or we fail to get what others get, we are surprised. Could it be because the house we built doesn’t have strong foundations or good materials? It’s not just last year’s performance or last week’s deal that counts – it is your cumulative effectiveness on a daily basis.
So, how does one ensure that you are effective daily? Based on our research, it requires an equilibrium of action and reflection. While most leaders are biased towards action, the best leader balances contemplation and action, creating daily solitude for effective action.
Ineffective leaders
Most leaders say the resource they lack most is time. But if you really observe managers for a day, you will see them rushing to meetings, constantly checking their Blackberry, dodging fires, believing they are attending to important matters.
For 10 years, Bruch and Ghoshal observed behaviours of busy managers, and their conclusions: 90% of managers squander their time in all sorts of ineffective actions and activities. A mere 10% of managers spend their time in a committed, purposeful, and reflective manner. These 10% are usually classified as great leaders.
Worst still, psychiatrist John Diamond found that 90% of people “hate their work.” They come to work to punch their time clock and can’t wait to go home. The difference between leaders who love their jobs and those that don’t – they take time daily to re-energise themselves and focus through reflection.
The practice of reflection goes back centuries and is rooted in numerous institutions including the Japanese samurai. Ben Franklin, one of my leadership heroes, had a rather systematic approach to reflection, which was a fundamental part of his daily life. He developed a list of 13 virtues and each day he evaluated his leadership relative to these virtues.
A sincere examination of ourselves is never easy. It involves the willingness to face and acknowledge our mistakes, failure and shortcomings. Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Prize winner, believes reflection in life is critical to leadership as it allows you to take into “account what you have neglected in thoughtlessness.”
Interestingly, a key step in the Alcoholics Anonymous programme asks participants to make a probing and courageous moral inventory. Steve Jobs went to India to reflect prior to starting Apple.
In business, reflection provides an opportunity to consider the ramifications of the services they provide and how to keep raising the bar. Business grows when they look within.
So, what does one achieve by reflection and contemplation? Productive action relies on a combination of three traits:
1. Focus – the ability to zero in on an objective and see the task to completion
2. Energy – the vitality that comes from concentrated personal commitment.
3. Learning – the ability to correct past mistakes and improve oneself
Focus without energy results in lethargic execution or burnout. Energy without focus leads to aimlessness or artificial busyness. And not learning from your mistakes ensures you repeat them.
All three pieces can only be obtained through reflection. Procrastinators are usually people with low levels of energy and focus. Leaders with high focus but low energy never inspire and generally end up ostracising the troops. Managers with high energy but low focus confuse their employees with chaotic activity.
Reflective managers are purpose-driven with high energy levels, learning from their mistakes. They start their day in reflection to ensure purposeful execution and action.
Confucius once said, “A man who chases two rabbits catches neither!” In Star Wars Episode 1, Qui-Gon says to the young Jedi Anakin, “Always remember, your focus determines your reality.” There is an ounce of truth in that Jedi wisdom. A focused person usually attains his/her goals.
At the end of a tiring day, if we focus on how tired we are, generally we will remain tired and end up vegetating in front of the TV set. If we re-focus the mind from being tired to needing to be healthy, there is a bigger likelihood we will exercise.
It is easy to stray with all the distractions, TV, Internet and mobile devices that we have today. These distractions can lead us off-tangent, stealing our focusing power. Reflection corrects that.
Energy and passion
Reflection generates passion and energy. Energy comes from passion. Passion is self-generated as you can motivate yourself to be excited about what you do.
Author Bill Strickland writes: “Passions are irresistible. They’re the ideas, hopes, and possibilities your mind naturally gravitates to, the things you would focus your time and attention on.”
Strickland believes that only by following your passion will you unlock your deepest potential. “I never saw a meaningful life that wasn’t based on passion. And I never saw a life full of passion that wasn’t, in some important way, extraordinary.”
Learning from mistakes
Reflection allows us to learn from mistakes. We all make mistakes – I have done so spectacularly at times. We have all been in situations where things don’t go exactly to plan. But how often do we take the time to sit down to reflect on where it all went wrong?
Plato’s great words “know thyself” implies that a lifetime of self-investigation is the cornerstone for knowledge. John Dewey states, “We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience.”
In fact, the Kolb Learning Cycle, is based on the belief that learning for real comprehension comes from a sequence of experience, reflection, abstraction, and action. All learning can come only through reflection.
Check your attitudes daily
Living an extraordinary life is done internally through the daily positive alignment of your attitude. Your attitudes and the choices you make today build the house you live in tomorrow. Build wisely! Build with commitment, pride, joy, love and passion.
Your attitude is contagious and sets the mood for those around you. Your employees get excited when you are excited. They are energised when you are.
Plato opened up The Academy in Athens at the age of 40, when life expectancy was 36. He ran this first university, training Aristotle and others, until he was 80. Pursuing focused positive dreams arms one with high energy and leads to an extended, rewarding life.
I don’t have time to think!
This is a pretty common reaction: I don’t have time to reflect.
Which begs the question: Do you have time to make the same mistakes over and over again? Or to remain unfocused, running around like a headless chicken? Or lack energy to fulfil your dreams?
I remember an old boss once told me that I was not paid to sit around and think. On hindsight, that was probably the worst advice I received. Leaders should spend at least a quarter of their time thinking about the future of their company and reflecting on the past. It may seem ludicrous to spend time reflecting but “real work” can only be done right when you know where you are going and have the energy to get there.
Final thoughts
If we could do things over, we probably would do many things differently. And better. But the problem is, we cannot go back. We are just like the construction worker. Each day we hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall in our career, family and lives. Are you doing it with focus and energy? Are we improving ourselves by learning from our mistakes?
If the fire in our eyes has diminished and we are going through life in auto-pilot, with the joy of life seemingly leaked out, it is time to take stock of life and reflect.
Socrates, Ben Franklin and most great leaders believed that reflection led to a productive and fulfilling life. And don’t say you don’t have time. After all, as Buddha aptly puts it, “All that we are is the result of what we have thought.”
CEOs need to lead by example
CEOs and top executives must be seen to practise the corporate responsibility (CR) initiatives implemented by their companies, if they expect their employees to take those measures seriously.
“Top management must walk the talk and practise what they preach in the CR initiatives implemented by their companies.
“If top management does not practise the CR initiatives as set out, can they really expect their employees to follow?” Leaderonomics founder and CEO Roshan Thiran said.
Roshan, who was a guest speaker at the StarBiz-ICR Malaysia CR Exchange last Monday, observed that there were a number of local companies (listed and unlisted), including those at top management that do not fully appreciate the CR agenda and the benefits derived from good CR initiatives.
Lafarge Malayan Cement Bhd president and CEO Bi Yong Chungunco
“CR today is beyond philanthropy and charity work. It is, in fact, a critical element in the development of a sustainable business model to enable companies to remain competitive globally,” he told StarBiz.
Roshan said CR encompassed many factors ranging from initiatives taken to retain and attract talent, appropriate and sustainable raw material sourcing as well as having a “social mission” in business.
He said companies must not only have a profit mission but also a social mission that involves giving back to the community.
Roshan predicted that in 20 to 30 years, all businesses would need to have a social mission to remain competitive and profitable.
He said: “Organisations that don’t have a social mission will not be around long-term, as CR creates shareholder value and makes business sense.”
He cited several companies, including AirAsia Bhd and General Electric Co, as exemplary companies that had a social mission imbued in their businesses, beyond being profitable.
“AirAsia’s famous tagline “Now everyone can fly” underscores the airline’s mission to open up opportunities for air travel to more people globally,” Roshan noted .
In the case of General Electric, he said the company had a strong commitment to engage the communities with programmes such as “ecomagination challenge” while PepsiCo Inc, a soft-drink manufacturer, had now moved towards providing more health-based drinks.
Roshan said successful companies with good CR were able to attract talent and also to get the community’s trust and support. This is a win-win situation as when communities thrive businesses will also thrive,” he said.
Not marketing gimmicks
Roshan said some people might view such CR exercises as marketing gimmicks but the top management of companies, especially those in leadership position, must believe in it (that CR initiatives provide tangible long-term benefits) and take proactive steps to resolve issues, even if short-term losses occur in their businesses.
He said CR should be led by those at the top and they must also learn to be more engaging with employees.
“Senior management must be seen to not only talk about CR but must actively take part in such initiatives to show colleagues of their commitment to the CR cause,” he added.
Lafarge Malayan Cement Bhd president and CEO Bi Yong Chungunco, another guest speaker at the forum, said an area in which Lafarge had promoted CR in the workplace was through the health and safety aspects.
She said logistics safety was an important area for Lafarge as the company transported almost all cement sold in the peninsula.
“We believe companies cannot achieve “excellence in business if they cannot achieve excellence in safety. This is why the safety and health aspect are emphasised in Lafarge,” Chungunco said.
She added: “Lafarge conducts health and safety engagement every year where we revisit and re-state the policy and commit ourselves by signing the policy in every country where we are present.”
Chungunco said Lafarge involved the spouses of employees, who were mainly male truck drivers, to appeal to their sense of responsibility on the road, where they were often driving alone.
“We ask the wives to tell their husbands to come home safe, that their families need them. In fact, we make them hold hands at our Transporters’ Safety Day and make that a commitment,” she said.
Other CR commitments include provision of reflector safety belts and GPS systems in the trucks to better monitor the drivers.
Lafarge Malayan Cement was a finalist in the StarBiz-ICR Malaysia awards in 2008 and 2009 under the workplace category.
Guinness Anchor Bhd (GAB) human resources director R. Sujitha Rajaratnam emphasised how the company engaged employees by giving them opportunities to reach their full potential.
“Each employee will have a career development plan encompassing training and development aimed at encouraging and enabling their growth,” she said.
Other initiatives in GAB, a StarBiz-ICR Malaysia award winner in 2010 under the workplace category, included a responsible drinking policy and healthy living.
The company encourages a work-life balance where flexi-time is practised, with a “home early” programme in the pipeline.
The investment in GAB employees is paying off. “We’ve delivered nine consecutive years of growth in revenue, profit and market share,” she said.
April 25, 2011
April Special
Small animals that hibernate are usually coming out of their burrows in April. The birds fly back northward or they settle down to have their families. The bees and butterflies begin to gather nectar from the first flowers of the season.
In some parts of the world, it's planting time. In other parts, it's the harvest season. Professional baseball begins in April. Then the amateur athletes begin to go outside in the warm weather. Spring cleaning starts and people start mowing their yards again.
Special days celebrated in April begin with the first day of April, when children and grown-ups play jokes on one another on Aprill Fools.
Month of April always close to my heart ..since it carry mine ,my wife and my elder son birthday. This year it means a lot since I join Maybank Berhad as Business Analyst on IT Transformation Programmed on 19 April 2011.
Happy Birthday Fawwaz
Happy Birthday Sherry
God Bless u
March 27, 2011
You’re in Charge
You’ve earned your first leadership role in project management—but do you have what it takes to be the in charge?
Ah, the thrill of a big promotion.
You’ve proven your project management prowess and now you’ve been rewarded with your first role in charge. But as the rookie in command, you need to define your role.
And that often means leaving the nitty-gritty minutiae behind. When tech giant Google researched what traits make for a better boss in 2009, it discovered technical expertise was far less important than accessibility.
“New leaders really need to be the manager of the project. They can’t continue to work as if they are still working on the technical side of the project,” says Roberta Chinsky Matuson, author of “Suddenly In Charge: Managing Up, Managing Down, Succeeding All Around.”
Right from the start, you need to position yourself as the supervisor, she explains. “Have conversations with the team about what your expectations are. This is your job now — you need to start acting like it.”
New leaders must establish what kind of authority they actually have and what their stakeholders expect from them, says Thomas Juli, PhD, PMP, founder of Thomas Juli Empowerment Partners, Heidelberg, Germany.
Then they can figure out what motivates their new team and build up a rapport, he says. “What makes the team work for you, with you and against you? You need your team. You can’t do this by yourself.”
In many cases, though, your new team members were your peers not so long ago. So, how can you earn their respect?
If a team member doesn’t fulfill his or her responsibilities, you must address the issue. “Doing nothing will mean you lose respect,” says Ms. Matuson, also president of Human Resource Solutions, Northampton, Massachusetts, USA.
The same can be said when someone goes above and beyond to get the job done. Acknowledging the effort will show team members you appreciate them, she says.
“New leaders don’t always realize that if their people shine, they shine,” Ms. Matuson adds. “You are being evaluated on how well your people do.”
And new or not, the supervisor sets the tone. The Google research revealed that the company’s managers had a much greater impact on employee performance and how people felt about their jobs than any other factor.
As you settle into your role, try to keep your ultimate goal as a project manager top of mind. “Never forget what you are measured against: managing a project to success,” says Dr. Juli, also author of “Leadership Principles for Project Success.”
Being a leader doesn’t come naturally for many project managers. Seek out mentors to help guide the way. Also ask your boss and even some team members to evaluate your performance. “It’s just another way of learning,” Dr. Juli says.
Ultimately, project managers in new leadership roles must acknowledge that not everything will be perfect.
“Expect to make mistakes — and learn from them,” says Dr. Juli. “Don’t try to apply everything you know at once, it’s not necessary. We are project managers, not superheroes.”
Figuring out exactly what you’re doing in your new role in charge can be the most daunting part of your career transition. But armed with the right knowledge, your new responsibilities will eventually fall into place.
You’re in Charge
You’ve proven your project management prowess and now you’ve been rewarded with your first role in charge. But as the rookie in command, you need to define your role.
And that often means leaving the nitty-gritty minutiae behind. When tech giant Google researched what traits make for a better boss in 2009, it discovered technical expertise was far less important than accessibility.
“New leaders really need to be the manager of the project. They can’t continue to work as if they are still working on the technical side of the project,” says Roberta Chinsky Matuson, author of “Suddenly In Charge: Managing Up, Managing Down, Succeeding All Around.”
Right from the start, you need to position yourself as the supervisor, she explains. “Have conversations with the team about what your expectations are. This is your job now — you need to start acting like it.”
New leaders must establish what kind of authority they actually have and what their stakeholders expect from them, says Thomas Juli, PhD, PMP, founder of Thomas Juli Empowerment Partners, Heidelberg, Germany.
Then they can figure out what motivates their new team and build up a rapport, he says. “What makes the team work for you, with you and against you? You need your team. You can’t do this by yourself.”
In many cases, though, your new team members were your peers not so long ago. So, how can you earn their respect?
If a team member doesn’t fulfill his or her responsibilities, you must address the issue. “Doing nothing will mean you lose respect,” says Ms. Matuson, also president of Human Resource Solutions, Northampton, Massachusetts, USA.
The same can be said when someone goes above and beyond to get the job done. Acknowledging the effort will show team members you appreciate them, she says.
“New leaders don’t always realize that if their people shine, they shine,” Ms. Matuson adds. “You are being evaluated on how well your people do.”
And new or not, the supervisor sets the tone. The Google research revealed that the company’s managers had a much greater impact on employee performance and how people felt about their jobs than any other factor.
As you settle into your role, try to keep your ultimate goal as a project manager top of mind. “Never forget what you are measured against: managing a project to success,” says Dr. Juli, also author of “Leadership Principles for Project Success.”
Being a leader doesn’t come naturally for many project managers. Seek out mentors to help guide the way. Also ask your boss and even some team members to evaluate your performance. “It’s just another way of learning,” Dr. Juli says.
Ultimately, project managers in new leadership roles must acknowledge that not everything will be perfect.
“Expect to make mistakes — and learn from them,” says Dr. Juli. “Don’t try to apply everything you know at once, it’s not necessary. We are project managers, not superheroes.”
Figuring out exactly what you’re doing in your new role in charge can be the most daunting part of your career transition. But armed with the right knowledge, your new responsibilities will eventually fall into place.
March 01, 2011
Firms must engage more with employees
Speakers at the StarBiz ICRM Corporate Responsibility Awards 2010, who presented a dialogue at Menara Star yesterday on CR in the Workplace: Issues & Best Practice, said engaging with employees included cultivating their talent, making sure the workplace was safe and healthy as well as encouraging work-life balance.
Leaderonomics Sdn Bhd founder and chief executive officer (CEO) Roshan Thiran said companies needed to have a social purpose in order to attract or retain talent, especially among younger employees.
Star Publications (M) Bhd, the publisher of The Star, has a 51% stake in Leaderonomics.
“Organisations that don't have a social mission will not be around long-term, as corporate responsibility (CR) creates shareholder value and makes business sense,” Roshan said.
He said examples of companies which have integrated their businesses with this “social mission” were AirAsia Bhd, whose tagline of “Now everyone can fly” underscored the company's mission of opening up opportunities for air travel to more people.
Roshan pointed out that other firms which have made commitments to engage with the communities around them included the General Electric Co with their “ecomagination challenge” and PepsiCo Inc, a maker of soft-drinks now moving towards providing more health-based drinks.
“Companies that want to win need to start engaging with the communities around them, this is a win-win situation as when communities thrive then businesses will also thrive,” he added.
Roshan said many might view such corporate exercises as marketing gimmicks but the companies' leadership must believe it and be seen taking proactive steps, even if it meant short-term losses for the businesses.
Predicting that in 20 to 30 years all businesses would have a “social mission” with a profit motive for sustainability, he said senior management must be seen to not only talk about CR but must be seen to actively take part in it to show colleagues of their commitment. Roshan predicted that over the next 20 to 30 years, all businesses would be social business with a profit.
Meanwhile, Lafarge Malayan Cement Bhd president and CEO Bi Yong Chungunco said one area in which the company promoted CR in the workplace was via the health and safety aspects. She said logistics safety was one area of importance for Lafarge as the company transported almost all the cement it sold in the peninsula with the mileage for one year equivalent to rounding the globe three times.
Chungunco believed companies cannot achieve “excellence in business if they cannot achieve excellence in safety”.
This was the reason why the safety and health aspect was emphasised by Lafarge. “We've a health and safety engagement every year where we revisit and re-state the policy and commit ourselves by signing that policy in every country where we've a presence,” she said.
Chungunco said the company used the spouses of the predominantly male truck drivers to appeal to their sense of responsibility on the road, where they were often driving alone.
“We ask the wives to tell their husbands to come home safe, that their families needed them, in fact we make them hold hands at our Transporters' Safety Day and make that commitment,” she said.
Besides this commitment, Chungunco said the company has equipped reflector safety belts as well as GPS systems in the trucks in order to better monitor the drivers.
Fellow speaker Guinness Anchor Bhd human resources director R. Sujitha Rajaratnam emphasised how the company engaged employees by giving them opportunities to reach their full potential.
Describing it as part of the company's human resources vision, she said “each employee will have a career development plan encompassing training and development, to encourage and enable their growth”.
Other initiatives included a responsible drinking policy, healthy living and encouraging work-life balance where the company practiced flexi-time which in future would also include a “home early” programme.
Sujitha said the investment in people was paying off. “We've delivered nine consecutive years of growth in revenue, profit and market share,” she added.
February 22, 2011
PMI Project Management Methodology for Post Disaster Reconstruction
Leadership and the ability to envision solutions are essential to managing projects of all types. But what is also essential is the means to practice the established principles of project management in order to achieve a successful outcome.
To address this, PMI has developed Project Management Methodology for Post Disaster Reconstruction, aimed at those in the disaster recovery field who are providing the kind of leadership and clarity of thought needed to help in the reconstruction effort.
Project management and its related processes are the keys to staying organized and focused, and to accomplishing the solutions a community needs after being hit by a disaster. Reconstruction project management is about solving problems and delivering intended results through an organized, structured methodology.
PMI’s Project Management Methodology was developed for global application by relief agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and/or governments following a major disaster. It is based on A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)–Third Edition, and is meant to enhance collaboration and consistency, as well as quality and accountability, of projects undertaken in a crisis/disaster rebuild environment.
In the simplest terms possible the Project Management Methodology for Post Disaster Reconstruction provides an approach that, if followed, will deliver results.
To download a zip file containing the Project Management Methodology, which includes instructor, participant and classroom documents, presentations and worksheets, complete the following fields below.
January 29, 2011
10 questions with Datuk Dr Mahani Zainal Abidin
1. As an economist, which school of thought influences you most? Melissa York, KL
The economic principle that influences me the most as an economist is the concept of comparative advantage. Based on this, countries should concentrate on producing and exporting goods which they are more effective or efficient at that is the ones in which they have a “comparative advantage”. Conversely they should not try to make goods locally if other countries can make them better, and should instead import them. For the principle of comparative advantage to take full effect, there should be free trade. Over the last half century, free trade has expanded, in line with globalisation, and many economies have grown using this principle and are able to provide their citizens a better standard of living. Malaysia is one of them. However, progressive countries do not just depend on a legacy of comparative advantage such as natural resources; they create a competitive advantage. Dubai, for example, has created a niche as a regional hub for finance, transport and business by investing in infrastructure and importing workers.
2. I'm thinking of joining an investment bank as an economist, but was told that it can get quite boring. What's it like to be an economist? Manjit, PJ
The training of an economist enables him or her to assess a wide range of information, and report how it may affect an industry, a country, a region or any given set of stakeholders. The information will certainly contain numerical measures of value and rates of change, but often there are other very relevant qualitative inputs, such as legislation, opinions and social factors. That, for me, is what makes economics interesting as it delivers a fully rounded analysis of real use to guide companies, administrators and. lawmakers. For sure there is a lot of real practical advice that an economist can give an investment bank, such as how certain sectors of the economy will fare in future, what are the risks and opportunities. You will be at the forefront of decision-making and that is never boring.
3. People say the worst is over. But we still hear of problems coming from the United States and euro-zone economy. When will they recover and what do they mean to us? Ahmad Jalil, Penang
It is difficult to predict exactly when the global economy will recover. In any case, some sectors and countries will recover faster than others. The problem is that the world economy faces a number of systemic problems global imbalances, growth-based consumption, unrestrained financial liberalisation and unfettered capital flows. Global leaders are still unable to agree on how to solve them. However, all agree that the challenges will be more tractable if growth returns. We expect robust growth in China, India and other emerging countries to compensate for slow US recovery and the euro-zone sovereign debt overhang. As we are an open economy, Malaysia needs a healthy global economy to buy our exports. If not, we have to deploy more of our own resources to stimulate our economy. We are also likely to be affected by the response measures taken by other countries changes in global or regional interest rates and monetary policy may impact capital flows into or out of Malaysia, the ringgit exchange rate or Bursa Malaysia.
4. Which is more detrimental to an economy: inflation and recession? Why? Tabitha CC Boi, Penang
I am quite sure that an economy in recession is a worse place to be than one with inflation. In a recession prices fall, and that is good news (unless you are a producer) but the worst thing about a recession is that there are less jobs and weak demand so nobody can afford to buy goods or services. There will be excess capacity and nobody wants to invest because prices continue to decline. Getting out of a recession has proved in the past to be quite difficult. Usually the government will try to revive the economy by increasing public spending but since demand is weak, there may be no takers the so-called liquidity trap. On the other hand, a low level of inflation is quite tolerable and some think it essential for economic growth. If you mean excessive inflation, that is for sure very painful, but governments have learnt how to recognize when an economy is overheating and in danger of high inflation and have developed effective antidotes.
5. What would you consider to be the biggest failure in life? How did you get back on your feet? Susan Ang, Johor
In life there are many challenges I would not call them failures. I believe when a door closes, another one opens, because Allah SWT is most compassionate. It is then up to us to make the best of this new path. The future is not known to us, so the door that closed may not have been all that we expected of it, and the new path is in any case our rezeki.
6. How do you usually relax and unwind after work? Johan Ku, Malacca
Gardening, listening to music and having a massage (spa) help me to relax. I get great satisfaction when my plants grow well and I love the beautiful colours of flowers. Of course, music soothes tensions and likewise a good massage relieves the aches and pains.
7. Does Malaysia still have to depend on foreign direct investments to generate growth? Why and how best can we arrest the decline of Malaysia's appeal to foreign investors? Mat Salleh, PJ
We should continue to welcome foreign direct investment for the same reason that we have always welcomed it FDI provides economic activities and jobs. Most FDI has the additional attraction of new technology, expanding production networks and growing export markets. Other countries in the region and elsewhere are now much tougher competitors for FDI and can also provide many of the things that Malaysia has long offered. To continue to attract and sustain FDI, we have to add to the value proposition with skilled, productive and committed workers, a business friendly environment, clear and consistent rules and regulations, security, safety and no corruption.
8. In your opinion, how have the values of Malaysian youths changed over the last three decades? How will that affect our economy? Balasundram, Klang
The next generation will experience much faster and deeper economic changes than ever before. Global economic events will reach far beyond national boundaries and the next generation will have to learn, and unlearn and relearn many things in the course of their lives. Malaysian youths are now more aware of the need to preserve the environment, that talent is mobile and that financial facilities are available and tempting. They also have higher consumption needs. Technology, especially ICT, access to information and networking is a big part of their lives. These traits will shape the future of the Malaysian economy. For example, in the future, most economic transactions will be done on-line and credit cards or debit cards will almost totally replace cheques.
9. What would be the most glorious moment you've had in your career and why? Suzy H, Taiping
I found great satisfaction when in 1998, I joined the Working Group of the National Economic Action Council (NEAC), which was set up to respond to the Asian economic crisis. Prior to that I was an economics lecturer in Universiti Malaya. At the NEAC, I had a close up and personal view of the economic management of the country. Malaysia's response went against the conventional wisdom, and we were in a way rewriting the rules of how to manage a crisis. That was a unique experience and I am thankful for being given the opportunity.
10. Definitely much effort has been put into drafting the new economic model and economic transformation plan. What would be the biggest internal risk and external risk that could derail such grand plans that we have? Eugene Khoo, KL
The New Economic Model will achieve its goals if its strategies and policies are implemented effectively and if the rakyat are prepared to make changes. Private investments have to take a lead in generating economic activities. Structuring of subsidies and putting in a price system that reflects the true value of resources will mean adjustments to our economic activities. I also hope the transformation of our education system will produce the human capital required. The world economy will have its ups and downs and I hope we can manage these fluctuations well. The gains we make should also be benchmarked with other countries because many of our competitors are progressing faster than us.
Hoping for the new in 2011
Expect more of the same as we enter a new year and new decade.
IT’S the start of a new year. It brings hope, changes and renewal. Yet many things would remain very much the same as it always has in decades, especially in politics.
The same language, same promises and lies are still being voiced by our leaders, regardless of their political affiliation. How we wish they could be more creative this year.
Ironically, many of the politicians calling for change in politics have in fact been in the game for the last 20 years or more. But some have cleverly changed their agendas to suit the current demand for transparency and such.
And they have found a whole new base of supporters among those whose parents were busy changing their nappies while these same politicians were making a mess of the country.
Then there are those who are still in government, after all these years, some clinging on to their positions believing that no one else can be as good. Some are still as arrogant as ever, still refusing to learn their lessons.
So what can we expect from our politicians, celebrities and other publicity seekers for this year? I guess it will be more of the same, whether they are platitudes, promises or excuses.
Here’s a list of the more banal statements and remarks:
> Officials after yet another horrific bus accident: “We will investigate thoroughly. We will take the necessary actions. We will not compromise.”
> The Opposition after an accident, natural disaster or controversial political issue: “We call for a Royal Commission of Inquiry (or a White Paper or an Inquest).”
> Officials after our country is criticised – on any issue – by foreigners: “They are just jealous of us. They are upset with our achievements.”
> Nationalists and “language supremacists” on reports of our declining standard in English: “We are better than Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar.”
> Local actors after talk of romantic link-ups: “We are just friends” or “I am just a good friend of the Datuk/Tengku.”
> Over-the-hill politicians who refuse to retire: “It will be irresponsible for me to leave the party. I need time to groom my successors.”
> Protesters who take part in illegal demonstrations: “The police acted illegally. They over-reacted, they should not have used force to break us up.”
> Police officers at press conferences: “We will leave no stone unturned in our investigations. We will go after them.”
> Police officers on foreigners arrested for crime, and the readers are kept guessing on the nationality of these criminals: “They are from a neighbouring country.” (Hello! Singaporeans, Thais or Indonesians?)
> Politicians who refuse to commit themselves to anything: “We will look into it.”
> Leaders who use delaying tactics after a controversial issue, and eventually do nothing: “We will set up a committee and other sub-committees to study the matter.”
> Opposition leaders following a controversial issue: “We challenge them to a debate.”
> The Prime Minister/Chief Minister on the date for elections: “I haven’t found inspiration” and “If you (media) continue guessing, you will get it right one day.”
> Opposition politicians before the polls: “This is the dirtiest election ever, we detect phantom voters and frauds” and after emerging victorious: “We accept the election results.”
> Government politicians before the polls: “The people want development and not rhetoric” and after their defeats: “The people must learn to be grateful. They have been hoodwinked by the opposition.”
> University officials on their goals but still not on the top universities lists: “We want to be world class universities with world class facilities.”
> Religious leaders, New Age practitioners and doomsday believers: “The world is coming to an end. All the signs are there.”
> And finally, boring copies by journalists who begin their stories with sentences “like a scene from a movie” or “had the shock of his life” and “selling like hot cakes.”
Nothing much has changed, right?
On The Beat By Wong Chun Wai
Top reads for top people
BOOKS, when chosen carefully, can make great gifts. They enrich, open up closed minds and immerse the reader in another world other than his own. But before books can please, there must be a pleasure found in reading.
All of us have that privilege; it is only whether we want to make time to nurture it. Because reading takes up so much time, it tends to compete with other seemingly more interesting pursuits.
Depending on style, language and other dynamics, there will be certain titles and authors who will appeal to us. The onus is on us to find the time to sate that need within us, for he who reads is richer for it.
In the season’s spirit of giving, here is a selection of hardcover books, suggested by three leading bookstores, for the person at the helm in mind. A couple of them, like Tiffany Pearls, are chosen with the women CEO in mind. The majority of them will appeal to both men and women.
Some titles will take time to chew like David A Lax and James K Sebenius’ 3-D Negotiations. Others titillate and tickle like Shoes. Andy Grove’s biography inspires, while Oprah’s Live Your Best Life leaves little gems along life’s sometimes weary way, when there is only time to browse.
Andy Grove by Richard S. Tedlow, RM109.90 (ISBN 1591841399)
Harvard professor and historian Tedlow gives a close-up portrait of Andy Grove. Grove rose from being a penniless Hungarian refugee to an engineer hired as Intel’s third employee, eventually heading one of the most profitable companies in history. A year-by-year account of Intel’s history, punctuated by Grove's musings, drawn from his private notebooks. A primer on Grove’s writings and management philosophy and why his tenure as Intel CEO was so successful despite his personal ups and downs and his fight with cancer.
The Way of the Shark: Lessons on Golf, Business and Life by Greg Norman, RM119.90 (ISBN 0743287746)
In the 1980s and 1990s, Australia's Greg Norman ranked as the world's top golfer for six consecutive years. Despite that, the linksman nicknamed the Great White Shark is perhaps best remembered for some of his final-round heartbreaks in major tournaments. Even after those setbacks, Norman laughed all the way to the bank. His endorsements and investments have made him one of the richest men in the history of sports. The free-swinging star explains his best game tips on and off the course.
Dynasties, by David Landes, RM103.54 (ISBN 0670033383)
Award-winning historian David Landes scrutinises powerful family businesses in Europe, Japan and the US to determine the factors that can cause a dynasty to flourish or fail. He provides fascinating insights into business legends, like John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford. The life stories of these remarkable individuals contain all the drama and passion expected when extraordinary money, power and kinship interconnect, and are essential reading for anyone with an interest in business and world history.
China Shakes the World, by James Kynge, RM98.03 (ISBN 0618705643)
A journalist in Asia for two decades, Kynge was the China bureau chief of Financial Times until 2005. Drawing on his years in the country and his fluency in Mandarin, he probes beyond the familiar statistics to unearth the surprising reasons for China's explosive growth. He sounds the alarm as China's systemic weaknesses threaten greater global disruptions. Kynge traces the tremors from Beijing to Tuscany to the Midwest as China’s hunger for jobs, raw materials, energy, and food, and its export of goods, workers, and investments drastically reshape world trade and politics.
Alwaleed: Businessman, Billionaire and Prince by Riz Khan, RM106.50 (ISBN 0060850302)
Though Prince Alwaleed bin Talal came to public attention in the US when Rudy Giuliani rejected his US$10mil donation to the Twin Towers fund, Alwaleed's real significance is as a global financial powerbroker. The Saudi royal is the biggest single foreign investor in the US economy and the world’s fourth-richest man. Khan, who has interviewed high-profile figures for CNN International, tags along with Alwaleed and his entourage as they conduct business in Riyadh and Paris, holiday in Cannes and trek into the Saudi desert for a weekend getaway. The resulting reportage has the breezy flavour of a magazine profile awkwardly stretched to book length.
Ideaspotting by Sam Harrison, RM59.30 (ISBN 1581808003)
There is nothing like great ideas. But where do they come from? Harrison, through anecdotes, interviews, quotes, tips and success stories from the biggest corporations in the country, shows you how to think outside the box – then throw away the box, for good. You are encouraged to listen and observe, explore through travel, leave your daily routine and look for ideas from nature. A book for desperate people.
Tiffany Pearls by John Loring, RM196.07 (ISBN 0810954435)
Symbols of perfection, pearls are the most classic of gems, bringing an air of elegance and sophistication to the women who wear them. No name in fine jewellery says “classic” more than Tiffany & Co., and the venerable institution’s long-time design director traces the dazzling history of pearl jewellery at Tiffany, from the mid-19th century to the present, including fascinating accounts of many of the world’s most famous pearls since the Renaissance.
Shoes: A History from Sandals to Sneakers, RM189.83 (ISBN 1845204433)
Shoes are now much more than just things to walk in. They say something about you. But, beyond style, this most object communicates much more – our aesthetic sense, social status and personality. Before they became objects of desire, shoes had a history. From ancient times to the present, shoes have had a cultural as well as a practical purpose. Within these pages is pretty much everything you ever wanted to know about shoes. War, sex and the high heel, the irresistible rise of the sneaker, and the cult of shoe designers are all found within these pages.
Trump 101: The Way To Success by Donald J. Trump & Meredith Mclver, RM63.80 (ISBN: 0470047100)
A collection of hard-charging pep talks, inspiration and advice from the world’s most famous businessman. Trump explains 33 success principles that got him where he is today. With a detailed account of a week in Trump’s high-flying life, and a list of 10 books he recommends you read, Trump 101 is a bible for success in business and life.
The Starbucks Experience by Joseph Michelli, RM87.80 (ISBN: 0071477845)
Michelli interviews Starbuck’s leadership and pinpoints five principles driving the chain’s success: Make it your own, constantly look for ways to add customers, increase efficiency, sell more to existing customers, and generate breakthrough products and service. A rich mix of ideas for businesses that want to learn about Starbucks’ phenomenal vision, creativity, and leadership within their company and in their field.
3-D Negotiation by David A Lax and James K Sebenius, RM119.80 (ISBN: 1591397995)
This book adds depth and complexity to our understanding and practical approach to negotiations. The 3-D perspective focuses on the surface process and the hidden, potential value to be unlocked with skillful “deal-design.”
Jeremy Oliver The Australian Wine Annual 2007, RM58.40 (ISBN: 0958103259)
Australia’s most influential wine writer releases the latest edition of his best-selling guide to Australian wine. This title goes through the best and best-selling Australian wines, maker by maker, vintage by vintage, offering a huge amount of easily understood information at a glance. It includes a full-colour image of each wine label, what is happening with each winery, its most important details and reviews of current wines.
The Culture Code by Clotaire Rapaille, RM99.90 (ISBN: 0767920562)
Cultural anthropologist Rapaille reveals techniques he uses to improve profitability and practices for Fortune 100 companies. He sheds light on how business and every human being acts and lives. His notion is that we acquire a silent system of codes as we grow up within our culture. It is these codes that make an American an American and a German, German.
Blue Ocean Strategy by W Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, RM119.80 (ISBN: 1591396190)
Kim and Mauborgne suggest that the only way for tomorrow’s companies to move ahead will be to make competitors irrelevant. The duo highlight six principles – how to reconstruct market boundaries, focus on the big picture, reach beyond existing demand, get the strategic sequence right, overcome organisational hurdles and turn execution into strategy.
Live Your Best Life from O, The Oprah Magazine, RM119.90 (ISBN: 0848731050)
A goodie bag for everyone whenever you want inspiration, advice, a shot of comic relief or to pop a confidence pill. Divided into three sections. Your Personal Best is about getting you into shape, to be happier, healthier, fitter and thinner. Relationships takes you from meeting your match to dealing with his annoying habits and Living in the World includes conversations with celebrities, politicians and activists.
Fifty Places to Play Golf Before You Die by Chris Santella, RM99.90 (ISBN: 1584794747)
Santella interviews 50 golfers about their favourite courses around the world. From Ballyiffin, Ireland’s northernmost course, to New Zealand’s Cape Kidnappers, photographs capture the histories and ambience of the different venues for one of the world’s most popular sports.
Tough Choices by Carly Fiorina, RM80 (ISBN 1857883918)
Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO, writes with brutal honesty about her triumphs and failures, her fears and painful confrontations, including her sudden and public firing by HP’s board of directors.
Mavericks At Work: Why The Most Original Minds In Business Win by William C. Taylor & Polly LaBarre, RM89.90 (ISBN 0007244088)
Unconventional ideas and groundbreaking strategies can become your business plan for the 21st century. In an age of hyper-competition and non-stop innovation, the only way to stand out from the crowd is to be original. This book will help you think bigger, aim higher, and win more decisively.
The Leader's Guide To Storytelling by Stephen Denning, RM79.80 (ISBN 078797675 X)
The role of storytelling in a meeting is among the most important leadership challenges today. It motivates others to act, builds trust and helps to transmit one’s values in a non-aggressive way. Denning offers a detailed account of why and how each type of story works, with examples from business settings.
The Business Of Changing The World by Marc Benioff & Carlye Adler, RM111.80 (ISBN 0071481516)
When Benioff founded, his vision was to change the model for philanthropic giving. Along with 19 other leaders, he shares how giving back to the community creates a win-win situation for both businesses and the public.
Break From The Pack: How To Compete In A Copycat Economy by Oren Harari, RM79.00 (ISBN 0131888633)
Everywhere, products are being commoditised, services are being imitated, and traditional barriers to market entry are collapsing. In today’s Copycat Economy, companies must break from the pack. Harari identifies 10 common mistakes that keep companies trapped in the pack and six strategies that will propel your organisation forward.
Ocean, RM204 (ISBN 1405312920)
Explore the last wilderness left on Earth. From the geology of the sea floor and the interaction between the oceans and atmosphere to the extraordinary diversity of marine life, the ocean is a fragile resource for man. A beautiful visual essay celebrates the drama of the sea, while illustrations and the satellite-derived maps explain and illuminate each natural process and phenomenon.
IWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon – Getting to the Core of Apple’s Inventor by Steve Wozniak with Gina Smith, RM72.50 (ISBN 0755314077)
A memoir of cult icon Steve Wozniak, the Apple co-founder and inventor, and how he changed the face of the computing industry.
Fred Factor: How passion in your work and life can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary by Mark Sanborn, RM35.90 (ISBN 184413816 X)
This is not a new book but its message is timeless. Motivational speaker Sanborn recounts the true story of Fred, the mail carrier who loves his job and who cares about the people he serves. Because of that, he is constantly going the extra mile in handling the mail of the people on his route. Where others might see delivering mail as monotonous drudgery, Fred sees an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those he serves. Sanborn illuminates the simple steps each of us can take to transform our own lives from the ordinary into the extraordinary.
Cars by Enzo Rizzo, RM84.70 (ISBN 88 544 01722)
From classic to dream cars, sports to luxury wheels, this compendium features the finest luxury cars produced by Aston Martin, Alfa Romeo, Lamborghini, Lancia, Bentley, Triumph and Jaguar.
Masterpieces of Modern Architecture, RM193.45 (ISBN 8854401455)
Architecture is probably the most tangible reflection of the transformation affecting human societies. This book examines the new trends in architecture from the end of WWII to the beginning of the new millennium, highlighting new modernity, from gargantuan structures and hi-tech to postmodernism and minimalism.
Putting a dent in the universe
“I want to put a dent in the universe” Steve Jobs, Apple CEO
A few weeks ago, I received a book from publisher McGraw-Hill on Steve Jobs by communications coach Carmine Gallo.
I started recollecting the “Think Different” Apple ad campaign. The ad was the starting point in Steve Job's revival of a company he founded, was fired from and later brought back to turnaround.
The ad was memorable because it was essentially about Steve Job's leadership and his desire to “change the world.”
The copy of the ad, read by Richard Dreyfuss, goes like this: “Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. And the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do.”
This campaign featured Thomas Edison, Einstein, Gandhi, Amelia Earheart and other Apple heroes.
Steve explained that “you can tell a lot about a person by who his or her heroes are” and his role models were people who “changed the world”.
Steven Paul Jobs has become “the most successful CEO today” according to Jack Welch, reshaping the computer, entertainment, music, telecommunications and the book industries.
Born to Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali, a Syrian, he was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs who promised his biological parents that they would send Steve to college.
Steve did go to Reed College but dropped out after one semester.
Although dropping out, he continued attending classes he was passionate about. He worked briefly at Hewlett-Packard meeting Steve Wozniak, who would later co-found Apple with him, then took a job with Atari to save money to go to India to “find himself”.
He travelled to India and came back a Buddhist with his head shaved and wearing traditional Indian clothing.
Steve began that trip wanting to “change the world” but he did not know how. During his time in India, he realised that “maybe Thomas Edison did a lot more to improve the world than Karl Marx or Neem Karolie Baba put together.”
Steve's trip to India convinced him that his purpose on earth was “to put a dent in the universe” through innovation like his great role model Thomas Edison.
Studying Steve's leadership, I uncovered that he, like Mandela, Gandhi, Napoleon, Jack Welch and other great leaders, all began their leadership journey in silent retreat “finding themselves and their passion”.
In fact, interestingly, I found six key steps which enabled all great leaders across time to “put a dent in the universe”.
The steps are as follows:
1. Take time to be with yourself to know yourself and find out what you truly love to do and what drives you
2. Define your vision of a better tomorrow and redefine it till the vision excites you
3. Sell and excite the world with the message of your vision
4. Build a plan of execution to achieve this vision, including the mobilisation of people to ensure the vision becomes a reality
5. Say “NO” to distractions and focus relentlessly on achieving the vision
6. Execute! Execute! Execute! and keep executing flawlessly with high quality overcoming obstacles that come your way
Finding yourself and your passion
Steve Jobs dropped out of college, disappointing his parents in the process. But he was always curious claiming, “the minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me, and dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.”
He attended a calligraphy class because he was passionate about typefaces even though he knew that this class had no “hope of any practical application in my life.” Yet ten years later, this calligraphy class was the reason that the Macintosh had beautiful typography.
Steve believes his philosophy of following his heart is a key part of leadership adding “you must have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.”
Then Steve went to India spending time with the surroundings and the Creator discovering his “calling.”
In fact, when Steve in an interview with the Smithsonian postulates: “I think you should go get a job as a busboy or something until you find something you are really passionate about. I'm convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure PERSEVERANCE. It is so hard. There are such rough moments that I think most people give up. Unless you have a lot of passion, you're not going to survive. You're going to give up. So, you've got to have an idea, or a problem or a wrong that you want to do right that you are passionate about, otherwise you are not going to have the perseverance to stick it through. I think that's half the battle right there.”
And he is right. You have got to find what you love and are passionate about first.
Define your vision of a better tomorrow
Steve always sees a future with possibilities.
He looks beyond today and sees something better in everything. He saw computers as much more than dreary productivity tools. He saw the MP3 player as more than a Walkman.
On the iPhone, he remarked, “We all had cellphones. We just hated them, they were so awful to use. The software was terrible. The hardware wasn't very good,” and so he challenged his team, “Let's make a great phone that we fall in love with. We're going to do it. Let's try.' It was the same with the iPad. Steve had a way of seeing a greater future.
In Gallo's book, he cites a story where Steve was recruiting a top talent to Apple 30 years ago.
This talent asked, “What is your vision for the personal computer?” For the next hour, Steve painted a picture of how personal computers were going to change the world.
He weaved his vision of how it would change everything from work, education, entertainment and everything. After hearing Steve's vision, he immediately signed up to work at Apple, a small startup then.
Great leaders have vision. According to former Apple leader Trip Hawkins, “Steve has the power of vision that is almost frightening. When Steve believes in something, the power of that vision can literally sweep aside any objections or problems.”
Articulate the vision
One of the key leadership lessons Steve internalised is the CEO's role as company evangelist and vision spokesperson. Leaders can dream big visions but can they articulate that vision ensuring it's appealing, vibrant, and gripping?
How does Steve message his vision so perfectly? Firstly, he is passionate about the vision and his energy flows from this passion. More importantly, he spends hours practicing and preparing ensuring his vision is fully understood.
A BusinessWeek week article notes that Steve's articulation of his vision “comes only after gruelling hours of practice.”
And he communicates by simply allowing you to visualise the vision. Most leaders have visions but the problem is they don't communicate that vision effectively.
Mobilising people to execute the vision
A big part about Steve's leadership is his ability to hire people who are “inspired to make the dream a reality” (Gallo).
Ultimately, people are the key to success as no single idea Steve had would have been successful had not others joined his crusade.
Similarly, Martin Luther King and Gandhi did not develop followers just by his inspiring speeches.
Instead, they spent the greater part bonding, building coalitions, and connecting with communities one person at a time.
Their powerful agenda moved forward as they mobilised people together on a personal level.
Great leaders have powerful one-on-one dialogues mobilising people to their cause.
Focusing on the journey
Steve Jobs seems to be all over the place with so many new ideas and innovative products. Yet, he was extremely focused and clear where his journey required him to go.
Steve said, “the people who are doing the work are the moving force behind Apple. My job is to create a space for them, to clear out the rest of the organisation and keep it at bay.”
He ensures that he removes hindrances from the focus.
Focusing on the most important issues means you have to say “NO to 1000 things” including distractions, which is difficult to do.
Steve adds, “Apple is a US$30bil company, yet we've got less than 30 major products. The great consumer electronics companies of the past had thousands of products. We tend to focus much more. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully.”
Steve is clearly focused on a few key items that will truly “make a dent in the universe” adding, “I'm actually as proud of many of the things we haven't done as the things we have done.”
Likewise, we too can learn to prioritise and focus on truly value-added vision-related activity.
Execute flawlessly
It's easy to execute on your vision when things go well.
Usually, things never go to plan.
Steve recalls, “at Pixar making Toy Story, there came a time when we were forced to admit that the story wasn't great. We stopped production for five months.”
At Pixar, there was a story crisis' for every film. And at Apple, according to Steve, there is a crisis for almost every single major project or product. But executing flawlessly means overcoming these challenges and tribulations through discipline, as he claims, “To turn really interesting ideas and fledgling technologies into a company that can continue to innovate for years, it requires a lot of discipline.” Every Monday, Steve has a marathon process' meeting with his team.
He says, “what we do every Monday is we review the whole business. And we do it every single week.” Ram Charan, famous business guru whom I interviewed recently on the “Leaderonomics Show” wrote a book on execution.
The key message is the same as Steve execution is boring and tedious and repetitive. But it's this rigour that ultimately enables organisations to be successful. Steve understood the power of ruthless execution. Finally, every journey will require overcoming obstacles.
At 21, Steve was the charismatic boy wonder who co-founded Apple.
He was worth US$200mil by 25, but was thrown out of the company he founded by age 30.
Steve lost everything when kicked out of Apple and could easily have given up and thrown in the towel. But he started all over again with NeXT and Pixar not losing his passion. Leadership is never an easy journey. It is hard work and filled with challenges.
Steve recently had to fight two near-death experiences with cancer but takes the positives out of it saying, “remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.”
No one said leadership was easy but it is definitely worth the journey.
January 16, 2011
Golden Rules
- Start with a clear , concise Vision
- Write it down
- Make sure you can see it
- Review it daily
- Share it with people who will help you
- Focus on it
- Give it your dedication and commitment
January 11, 2011
Inventing our Future.... 11.1.11
I am old enough to have lived through the 8-8-88.…9-9-99 ...10-10-10 !Nothing out of the ordinary happened on any of those I expect the same old today and also on the 11-11-11 and 12-12-12.....These are only numbers on a calender. But thanks for reminding is interesting.
Therefore, we has reenergized its efforts to create a culture of inclusion, so we can actively capitalize on our community’s diverse skills and perspectives, and better advance the fundamental mission of “to advance knowledge and educate everyone in science, technology, and other areas that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.”
January 06, 2011
What do I look for in interviewing and recruiting
Many asked me to write about this, so here goes.
I'm not really the most conventional person in conducting interviews but I have been blessed with getting good people.
What do I look for?
1) The hunger in their eyes -- the look that says they're determined to go out and prove to everyone that the world has missed them, and made a mistake doing so.
2) Looking at their present job. If they are bored, then that's what I want. Someone who's raring to go.
3) People who believe in themselves. Believe in meritocracy.
4) Team players with little politics (not always easy to find).
5) Humility. I hate people who are into how large their office is going to be, or "what car do I get?" And, of course, "what's my title?" Being humble and proving one's own ability is the key. Then everything else follows.
6) The ability to adapt to change and move from department to department (much like Holland's total football concept). And innovators: People who dare to take risks and change the norm.
7) Adding extra value to the organization. In whichever way and whichever area. Musician, artist, sportsperson, etc. I like all rounders.
8) Doers rather than talkers.
9) And last on my list: academic credentials.
That's it. Good luck for all those dreamers. Remember, always be postive. Life is much more fun that way. And live your dreams. You only live once so go out there and do whatever you want. You only have one life - make the most of it.
Dare to dream

IT seems like just yesterday when the dawn of the new millennium was on everyone’s lips. But now that the decade has drawn to a close, many of us now realise that there is no Y2K bug, no Armageddon and nothing to stop us from living our dreams.
But do you really believe it? No?
Then here are some questions to ponder over: How much has your life changed? Are you any wiser? What’s the biggest lesson you have learned? What do you want to achieve in the next 10 years?
We talk to a few individuals on how the decade went down for them. Life is an art of drawing without an eraser, says novelist John Gardner; now, if we can only get it right for the next 10 years.
Agent of change: ‘My dream for the next 10 years is to become an advocate of unity, not just in Malaysia, but in the world, through my writings,’ says Anas Zubedy.
Anas Zubedy, 46, entrepreneur
I believe my mission on Earth is to advocate unity among people. I knew this from the time I was a really young boy, growing up in Penang.
When I was three, my family moved to a Chinese area in Fettes Park, Penang. We were the only Malays living there. So while we were a Malay family at home, I grew up just like any other Chinese boy outside. I was an odd sight — a skinny Malay kid chattering in Hokkien.
There were children who refused to play with me, and there were those who refused to play without me. From that young age, I learnt that there were no bad races, just “unconscious” people.
Our immediate neighbours were Eurasians. They welcomed my siblings and I into their homes and taught us English. Then one day there was a new Indian kid at school. He became a good friend. Once, when I was at his house, my friend’s father reprimanded his mother for serving me chicken that had not been slaughtered according to Islamic tradition. I was just a small insignificant boy, and yet this man respected my faith enough to make sure that it was honoured in his home.
These experiences growing up taught me that no matter the colour of our skin or the language we speak, there are universal values we all share.
My experiences in university and in working for one of the world’s best multinationals has taught me conceptual skills and leadership skills, business pragmatism and the power of innovation, but there is one thing I’ve learnt which never fails, and that is God. He allows us to experience the fullness of life — which also means making mistakes, so that we may learn from them.
It sounds ironic, I know, but when we know our limitations, we start to perform. It means we have a good base to work on so we won’t fall as many times as before. That’s what my past 10 years were like. Growing older and accepting my limitations. These days, I’m able to see the bigger picture. I have also become more forgiving. For instance, I realise now that unity doesn’t happen in a day. You have to work towards the transition period.
Writing ads about racial harmony is one thing but we also work at the ground level to get the message across. Talk less, do more — that’s my philosophy. We need to have more conscious people, which is why I aspire to help more people discover their potential at the personal level. My dream for the next 10 years is to become an advocate of unity, not just in Malaysia, but in the world, through my writings.
Listening to her heart: Chim Li Yen left the rat race to set up a holistic centre with two partners. – SAM THAM/The Star
Chim Li Yen, 29, co-founder of The Violet Flame
The past 10 years have been like a path of self-discovery. I have transformed from an insecure teenager to an independent and confident adult. Moving from student life to the working world was both exciting and scary.
A nine-to-five job, responsibility and commitment were huge words to digest for a fun-loving, happy-go-lucky girl. Mid-20s was somewhat like a quarter-life crisis for me. I questioned the meaning of life when I became depressed, and turned to alcohol as therapy.
When my parents separated, I started a quest of introspection to truly understand myself and why I was here. I attended many spiritual courses and meditation retreats, travelled to ashrams in India, underwent alternative therapy sessions, devoured metaphysical books, wrote in journals every day and rekindled the connection to the divine. That was the missing piece I was searching for — the connection to myself and to God.
After five years of being in the pharmaceutical rat race, I grew disillusioned with the entire game and left to set up a holistic centre called The Violet Flame with two partners in 2008. I found the courage to be who I really was after I realised that I was not my identity, the money in my bank account or my material possessions.
One of my greatest lessons in life is the ability to trust myself and surrender to the divine. All these years, my training as a pharmacist had required me to use my head and analyse my way through life. Navigating life using the mind prevented me from taking unnecessary risks, but I also missed out on the unlimited possibilities along the way. It kept me safe from harm but I lost my vitality, the joie de vivre.
Over time, I realised how much I was missing out so I started to learn to listen to my heart, and life immediately became more magical. I wake up every morning with the intention to give my best in everything I do and to serve in every way I can. I am passionate about assisting others to find their way back to themselves. I pray for the wisdom to see things as they are, for humour so I may take myself lightly, and for humility to trust the guidance in my heart.
‘The greatest lesson I’ve learned about life is to live it fully every day, making each moment really special, and spending it with the o nes who really matter. Very often, we get so caught up chasing dreams that we forget to smell the roses,’ says Tiara Jacquelina.
Tiara Jacquelina, managing director of Enfiniti Vision Media
In the last 10 years or so, I spent my time doing the things I loved most — travelling the world, bringing up my two wonderful kids and working on meaningful projects.
Travelling has opened my mind and my eyes to a new perspective on life and living meaningfully, novel ideas and different ways of doing things. I always return inspired and re-energised. It makes me want to do better in my personal life and pushes the boundaries in the work I do.
Bringing up a “tween” or a teen in this day and age comes with a whole new set of challenges, but my two kids are as perfect and complete as they come; I can’t ask for more. They are intelligent, creative, artistically inclined, spirited, opinionated, but at the same time respectful, kind and loving. And I have the full support of a wonderful husband to thank, for helping me in this area.
Career-wise, the last 10 years have seen my best work ever as an actor and producer, and I’ve been fortunate to work with some of the most talented and passionate individuals in the country and even in the region.
The greatest lesson I’ve learned about life is to live it fully every day, making each moment really special, and spending it with the ones who really matter. Very often, we get so caught up chasing dreams that we forget to smell the roses.
Goals and ambition are important to have, but I really cherish precious moments like watching my children grow up, having the freedom to be impromptu enough to read a brochure, pack a bag and travel with my husband, spending quality time with my mother, making time for good conversation with good friends over a cup of coffee, and setting enough time aside for myself, too. Sometimes, you just need to BE.
‘I had a choice: Fulfil the needs of one — myself — or the needs of many,’ says Tsem Rinpoche, who has chosen to invest his time and effort in helping others.
Tsem Rinpoche, 45, founder of Kechara
I had many people tell me that I would never make it. Some people just gave up on me and walked out when times got tough. There were times in my life when I had no money, no food and I had even been confronted by dangerous, life-threatening situations. My life often played out like a movie.
I persevered. My mentors believed in me and in the potential of every person to be better. Meeting, studying with them and having the rare chance to serve them have been the most significant and transformative experiences of my life.
By their advice, I came to realise that I am only one person while all other beings in the world are many. I had a choice: Fulfil the needs of one — myself — or the needs of many. I realised that I couldn’t take anything with me when I die anyway, so why waste all this time feeling sorry for myself? It would be much better to invest that effort and time in helping others.
I was also blessed with many friends with warm, spiritual hearts. We started Kechara House in the year 2000. From a small shoplot, Kechara grew quickly, driven by the commitment of its members. Kechara celebrates its 10th anniversary this year with 13 departments and nearly 100 full-time staff dedicated to reach out with spirituality in action from Kechara Soup Kitchen to Kechara Care and Kechara Animal Sanctuary.
I’ve learned that all of us basically want the same thing. We all want to be appreciated and to feel that we have done something of use with our lives. Not only that, we want to feel a sense of purpose, although our means might vary. However, we have to respect differences in our social or cultural backgrounds, to genuinely look past the differences and look at the similarities we all have.
Self-worth is very important and it can only be developed if we realise all of us are in the same situation and want the same things. If we can do that, I think we can achieve a lot of peace within ourselves and with the people around us.
My plan for the next 10 years is the same plan for the rest of my life: I would like to do more social work and establish different organisations to help a more diverse set of beings. I would like to help battered people, abandoned animals and the homeless.
Yvonne Foong, 24, student and motivational speaker
As a kid, I watched a psychologist talk to her client on TV. She was able to help her client through empathy and unconditional positive regard. This stirred something within me so I decided that I wanted to be a psychologist when I grew up.
But life took an unexpected twist 10 years ago. I learned that I had a genetic disorder that made tumours grow and impede my central nervous system. I lost the hearing in my right ear at 13, and discovered that I couldn’t walk at 16. I have had nine brain and spine surgeries to remove different tumours since then and started a public fundraising campaign to finance better medical treatments in the U.S.
So I’ve been the patient myself, the one needing help and charity. In the process of taking care of myself, I experienced firsthand what the people I intend to help go through and feel. All the surgeries I have had, the social involvements and getting to know other patients have taught me something I found shocking at first: What people need more than short-term monetary assistance is the motivation to take responsibility for their own lives.
When I tried to help other patients acquire better treatments, I realised that not everyone was willing to put in the effort to help themselves. People often told me when I started fundraising: “Yvonne, we are helping you because you first helped yourself”. I didn’t understand it then, because I was merely doing what I needed to. Now, I finally get it.
My campaign has taught me self-worth by the distance that people were willing to go to just so I could have surgery in the U.S. Some promoted my T-shirts and books to their friends; some went on hands and knees to help raise funds. Whenever I was still short of money, many gave out of their life savings and said: “I’ll top it up”. They were once strangers. Their sacrifices made me feel worthy.
My campaign has also taught me humility. The distance that people are willing to go to for my sake has humbled me. Who am I to deserve such great sacrifices from people? Therefore, I always remind myself to pay it forward through my writings and public speaking.
As for what lies ahead of me, I still have one year’s worth of college credits to earn before I graduate with a psychology degree. But my campaign — Heart4Hope — is already inspiring people to think. I’m glad that despite everything, I am living according to my calling. But I try to be flexible and not rigid in planning my future. Que sera sera ... what will be, will be.
Happy feet: Joseph Gonzales (centre) teaching dance to his students at Aswara.
Joseph Gonzales, 50, Aswara’s Culture and Heritage dance department head
The first 10 years of this new millennium has been a greater challenge than I imagined. I was given the responsibility to helm a nearly dead dance department, Aswara. It was sink or swim. However, I was willing to take up the challenge and give it my best shot.
Since then, I have slaved over dance education and focused on fine-tuning the Diploma programme and instituting a Bachelor of Dance programme, creating what I think is an amazing syllabus of dance that is unique not just in Malaysia but on a global scale.
These 10 years was also about finding a “home in the world”. In my youth, I had naively assumed that I would have a wife, a house and 2.5 children at this age! However, I am still a bachelor after all these years. I still intend to celebrate life, and live with the choices I have made.
I am able to indulge in my passions for watching film, playing sports and travelling. I also visited my parents’ homeland of Kerala for the first time this year and plan to make many more visits in the future. The greatest lesson I have learned is ilmu padi which means that the more knowledge I acquire, the more I should be humble. I have learned patience and perseverance, being consistent in all my dealings and to follow through to the end.
I have been penniless in London, and learned that what does not kill me can only make me stronger. Yet, I never let the doubters or failures drag me down. I’ve kept myself open, kept my faith. I remember the tough times and I am grateful for the people who were there for me.
My new dream is to create a full-time professional company like Alvin Ailey’s American Dance Theatre or Lin Hwai Min’s Cloud Gate Company in Taiwan, with dancers trained at Aswara. My mind explodes at the thought of our best dancers performing regularly with professional wages. The world is going to be astounded!