Wednesday August 27, 2008
Fifty undergraduates have been selected to receivescholarships worth RM2mil by the Tunku Abdul Rahman Foundation thisyear.Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, who isfoundation chairman, said the good response and increased quality ofthe applicants had resulted in 20 more recipients being awarded thisyear."This is a prestigious and exclusive scholarship. The recipients mustmeet strict criteria and go through a rigorous selection processbefore they can be declared Tunku Scholars," he said after launchingthe ministry-level Merdeka celebrations at Universiti Putra Malaysiain Serdang near here.This year, a total of 816 applications were received with 508 meetingthe criteria. Of this number, 100 were short-listed to attend a campand 68 were called for an interview.The scholarships are offered annually to undergraduates who havecompleted their first year of study at public or private universities.The scholarships cover all the students' fees as well as a livingallowance of RM1,000 per month. The foundation also provides a RM500book allowance per semester and an annual return air ticket for Sabahand Sarawak students studying in the peninsula and vice versa.The foundation was set up in 1966 to provide financial assistance totertiary-level students. Since 2006, the foundation has been givingout scholarships instead of educational loans.
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