Orientation Day for Year One pupils was a busy time for many parents as they witnessed the start of a new chapter in the life of their children who will start formal schooling on Monday.
A check at several primary schools yesterday saw many parents busy registering their children, waiting in line to place them in their respective classes, locating the classrooms for them and then to the bookstore.
At SK Convent Green Lane here, the entrance to the school compound was choked with cars.
First day confusion reigned as some pupils went into the wrong classes until the teachers guided them to the right ones.
Engineer Ooi Soon Peng, 37, said that his daughter had been crying the day before the orientation.
“She did not want to come to school this morning as she was afraid she couldn’t get used to the new environment.
“After all, it had been a happy-go-lucky experience for her during her days in kindergarten,” he said.
Engineering manager G. Rajasegar, 40, said he had earlier “brainwashed” his daughter before attending the orientation so that she would not cry.
“I told her it would be fun to meet new friends and wearing a nice school uniform.
“Initially I was a bit worried for her but it seems that she is doing fine,” he said.
As for housewives Sahliza Haroon and Zaiton Mat, both 30, their children were looking forward to attending school.
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