October 17, 2016

Princess Athalia Delysha has turned 4

You are 4th child in family and You are four times a little lady!
I have to say that I’m so fond of you in so many ways.There’s a lot of things in store for you in this world. You will be a great person someday. Happy 4th birthday darling Girl

October 10, 2016

Everybody need Life Care

Physiotherapists are the predominant allied health group within the LifeCare network. Physiotherapy is a science-based healthcare profession that views human movement as central to health and well-being. Physiotherapy aims to maintain and restore human function after disease or injury, to help people achieve quality of life through physical movement. LifeCare Physiotherapists are highly trained to assess and diagnose your condition, then plan and administer treatment programs to restore function to the highest possible level. LifeCare Physiotherapists also work in partnership with Doctors and other health professionals to ensure the best possible treatment and care. Using a combination of manual therapy , therapeutic exercise , education, lifestyle advice, soft tissue techniques, and electro-physical modalities, LifeCare Physiotherapists strive to enhance health and maximise potential. Physiotherapy is beneficial for conditions such as: Back and neck pain Headaches Sports Injuries Muscle and joint pain Post-operative, acute or chronic injury Arthritis Posture and alignment problems Osteoarthritis knees Sciatica Women's health Adolescent and children's injuries